trump apaga la voz de las americas y radio y tv marti


Este sábado 15 de marzo, empleados de Radio y Televisión Martí recibieron una carta notificándoles su baja administrativa, en cumplimiento de la orden ejecutiva firmada por el expresidente Donald Trump el 14 de marzo, titulada "Continuando la Reducción de la Burocracia Federal". La medida afecta directamente a la Agencia de Estados Unidos para los Medios Globales (USAGM), que supervisa a Radio y TV Martí, Voice of America y otras entidades de radiodifusión internacional.


La orden ejecutiva establece la eliminación de funciones no esenciales y la reducción de personal al mínimo legalmente requerido. Esto significa un golpe directo para los medios de comunicación bajo la USAGM, incluyendo la Oficina de Transmisiones a Cuba (OCB), responsable de Radio y TV Martí.

Según reportes, los empleados recibieron un correo en el que se les informó sobre su baja administrativa con sueldo, aunque con la obligación de permanecer disponibles para trabajar si se les requiere. Durante este periodo, no podrán acceder a las instalaciones ni a los sistemas de la agencia, debiendo entregar sus credenciales y claves de acceso.

La orden de Trump instruye a los directores de las entidades afectadas a presentar en un plazo de siete días un informe al Director de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto detallando qué funciones son obligatorias según la legislación y cómo están cumpliendo con la disposición presidencial. Esta medida llega en un contexto de reducciones presupuestarias y recortes de agencias gubernamentales consideradas no esenciales.

El Departamento de Eficiencia Gubernamental (DOGE) había revelado previamente una lista de cancelaciones de arrendamientos, en la que figuraba la sede de Radio y TV Martí en el Edificio Jorge Mas Canosa de Miami, lo que supondría un ahorro de 5.32 millones de dólares, según reportes de NBC.

Kari Lake, seleccionada por Trump para dirigir Voice of America (VOA), había advertido a los empleados de la USAGM a través de la red social X sobre la importancia de revisar su correo electrónico para informarse sobre su situación laboral. Según la comunicación oficial, los trabajadores de otras entidades como Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty y Radio Free Asia también han sido afectados por la medida.

El periodista de la BBC Chris Greenway calificó la decisión como "un acto sin precedentes en la historia de la radiodifusión internacional", advirtiendo sobre el impacto del recorte en la transmisión de noticias y en la política exterior de EE.UU. A su vez, el periodista Roberto Céspedes, quien ha trabajado en la USAGM, confirmó que los empleados de la OCB no pueden acceder a las instalaciones y que la medida podría representar una transformación radical o el cierre definitivo de estas entidades.

Fuente: Cubitanow




radiodifusores de estados unidos lanzaron campaña para actualizar la normativa


La Asociación Nacional de Radiodifusores ha lanzado una campaña en los medios de comunicación con la esperanza de convencer a la FCC de que revise sus restricciones a la propiedad de radio y televisión. Al mismo tiempo, la campaña ataca a los competidores de las "grandes tecnológicas".

Por separado, el presidente y director ejecutivo de la NAB, Curtis LeGeyt, y el director legal de la NAB, Rick Kaplan, se reunieron el viernes pasado con el presidente Brendan Carr para presentar sus argumentos.

Muchas emisoras comerciales de Estados Unidos han argumentado durante años que las reglas actuales -"escritas antes de la llegada de los teléfonos móviles e Internet"- están muy desactualizadas y maniatan a las emisoras de radio y televisión de manera competitiva.

Con un presidente republicano de la FCC ahora y una mayoría republicana en la FCC que se espera para pronto, NAB espera encontrar una recepción más acogedora para la idea.

LeGeyt presentó ese caso cuando se reunió con Carr la semana pasada. De acuerdo con una presentación de la NAB que resume la discusión, "Explicamos que varios años, si no décadas, de indiferencia e inacción han plagado la capacidad de la FCC para mantenerse al día con los mercados hipercompetitivos de audio y video".

"Por el lado de la televisión, esto significa revisar el procedimiento pendiente desde hace mucho tiempo de la FCC para modernizar su Regla Nacional de Propiedad de Televisión, y eliminar el límite del 39 por ciento para permitir que las estaciones de transmisión de televisión locales logren economías de escala y alcance que respalden sólidas operaciones de noticias locales y otra programación enfocada localmente", escribió NAB.

"Del mismo modo, la eliminación de la regla de propiedad de la televisión local (una reliquia del siglo pasado) permitirá a las estaciones desarrollar combinaciones más eficientes dentro de los mercados locales, lo que les permitirá competir por los dólares de la publicidad local contra los actores publicitarios dominantes como Google y Facebook".

Y en la radio, escribió NAB, "la modernización de las reglas de propiedad de la radio local (que no han cambiado durante casi 30 años), incluida la eliminación de los sublímites separados de AM y FM, dará a las estaciones de radio la oportunidad de seguir entregando contenido en una amplia gama de formatos a las audiencias locales, de forma gratuita para el público".

En un comunicado sobre la campaña publicitaria, LeGeyt dijo: "En el entorno mediático actual, las emisoras locales deben tener la capacidad de crecer y competir con las grandes plataformas tecnológicas que operan sin restricciones similares", dijo LeGeyt en un comunicado sobre la campaña publicitaria.

"Como fuentes confiables de noticias e información, particularmente durante emergencias, las estaciones locales brindan un servicio vital a sus comunidades. Los responsables políticos deben actuar ahora para garantizar que los organismos de radiodifusión puedan seguir sirviendo al público de manera eficaz, antes de que sea demasiado tarde".

NAB dijo que la campaña incluye publicidad nacional dirigida a los legisladores de Washington, y recursos para que los consumidores envíen comentarios a la FCC y a la Casa Blanca.

Señaló que unos 500 radiodifusores estarán en la capital la próxima semana para la Conferencia Estatal de Liderazgo de la NAB.

Fuente: Radio ink




fcc propone multas millonarias para dos estaciones de fm piratas en miami


La Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones anunció hoy (28 de febrero) la imposición de multas por un valor de casi 400.000 dólares en virtud de la Ley de Prevención del Abuso Ilegal de la Radio a través de la Aplicación de la Ley (Ley PIRATE) contra las operaciones de radio pirata en el área de Miami. Las emisiones de radio pirata son ilegales y pueden interferir con las señales de las emisoras autorizadas, lo que las afecta comercialmente y dificulta su capacidad de transmitir información vital sobre seguridad pública, como alertas de tormentas, a su audiencia. Las acciones de hoy envían un mensaje claro de que la FCC se toma en serio su responsabilidad de hacer cumplir la ley federal que prohíbe las señales de transmisión no autorizadas y advierte a otros operadores de radio piratas que la FCC tomará medidas contra sus operaciones ilegales.

“La FCC no tolerará las transmisiones de radio sin licencia. Es así de simple”, dijo el presidente de la FCC, Brendan Carr. “Las estaciones de radio con licencia han invertido tiempo y dinero en sus operaciones y el público oyente confía en ellas para recibir noticias, entretenimiento e incluso advertencias que pueden salvar vidas. Las operaciones piratas violan la ley y obstaculizan estos importantes servicios”.

Hoy, la Comisión propuso una multa de $325.322 contra Abdias Datis, un infractor reincidente, por operar una estación de radio no autorizada en 91.7 MHz conocida como “Unique FM” en Miami, Florida. En marzo y noviembre de 2024, y en enero de 2025, agentes de la oficina de campo de la FCC en Miami monitorearon y rastrearon la señal no autorizada hasta una residencia unifamiliar en NW 147th Street en Miami. Los agentes escucharon que la estación se identificaba en el aire como “Unique FM” y que el operador se identificaba como “DJ AJ”, un alias conocido de Datis.

La Comisión también propuso una multa de $60.000 contra Aaron Streeter por operar una estación de radio no autorizada en 89.1 MHz conocida como “Da Pound FM” en Miami Gardens, Florida. En marzo de 2024, agentes de la oficina de campo de la FCC en Miami monitorearon y rastrearon la señal no autorizada hasta una residencia unifamiliar con una antena de transmisión FM en la parte trasera de la propiedad. Los agentes de campo de la FCC hablaron con Streeter, quien aceptó dejar de transmitir. El 8 de enero de 2025, los agentes regresaron a la zona y escucharon que “Da Pound FM” transmitía nuevamente en la frecuencia 89,1 MHz.

Las acciones propuestas, formalmente llamadas Avisos de Responsabilidad Aparente por Decomiso, o NAL, contienen solo acusaciones que informan a una parte sobre cómo aparentemente ha violado la ley y pueden establecer una sanción monetaria propuesta. La Comisión no puede imponer una sanción monetaria mayor en estos casos que la cantidad propuesta en los NAL. Ni las acusaciones ni las sanciones propuestas en los NAL son acciones finales de la Comisión. Se les dará a las partes la oportunidad de responder y la Comisión considerará la presentación de pruebas y argumentos legales de las partes antes de actuar más para resolver estos asuntos.

Fuente: FCC



nab pide apagon del atsc 1.0 para 2028 y 2030


La Asociación Nacional de Radiodifusores (NAB, por sus siglas en inglés) presentó hoy (26 de febrero) una petición ante la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC, por sus siglas en inglés) instando a la agencia a establecer un plan de transición claro para toda la industria para el despliegue completo de Next Gen TV (ATSC 3.0). La propuesta esboza una transición en dos fases, al tiempo que se modernizan los requisitos reglamentarios para apoyar el acceso y la innovación de los consumidores.

"Next Gen TV ya está transformando la experiencia de visualización, ofreciendo una calidad de imagen superior, audio inmersivo, funciones interactivas, programación hiperlocalizada y capacidades de seguridad pública de vanguardia, todo mientras mantiene la televisión local gratuita y accesible", dijo el presidente y director ejecutivo de NAB, Curtis LeGeyt. "Los organismos de radiodifusión han invertido significativamente en esta transición, pero las regulaciones obsoletas amenazan con detener el progreso. Un plan de transición claro garantizará que todos los estadounidenses se beneficien de todo el potencial de la televisión de próxima generación y, al mismo tiempo, permitirá a las emisoras seguir siendo competitivas en un mercado de medios en el que las grandes empresas tecnológicas operan sin control".


Según el plan, las estaciones en los 55 mercados principales, que cubren el 70% de la población de EE. UU., harían la transición para febrero de 2028, y todas las estaciones restantes de potencia completa y Clase A lo harían en febrero de 2030 o antes. La petición también pide que se actualicen las normas de la FCC para garantizar que los dispositivos de recepción de televisión sean compatibles con Next Gen TV, mantener las obligaciones de transporte MVPD existentes y eliminar los obstáculos regulatorios que podrían ralentizar la adopción.

Next Gen TV ya está disponible en más de 80 mercados, llegando al 75% de los hogares de Estados Unidos. La transición permitirá a los organismos de radiodifusión ofrecer una mejor calidad de imagen y sonido, aplicaciones interactivas y programación hiperlocalizada. También permitirá a los organismos de radiodifusión desplegar nuevas capacidades de transmisión de datos que beneficiarán a los consumidores de una amplia gama de industrias a través de una entrega de datos más eficiente. Además, el despliegue a nivel nacional promoverá la promesa ofrecida por el Sistema™ de Posicionamiento de Transmisión (BPS) de servir como un servicio resistente y complementario al GPS. La petición de NAB subraya la necesidad de certidumbre regulatoria para impulsar una mayor inversión en Next Gen TV y garantizar una transición fluida para los consumidores.

Haga clic aquí para leer más sobre la petición en el blog de NAB.



ee.uu.: iniciativa de legisladores para que las radios locales no paguen nuevos impuestos


Una coalición bipartidista de 114 miembros de la Cámara de Representantes presentó hoy (13 de febrero) la Ley de Libertad de Radio Local (LRFA, por sus siglas en inglés), una resolución que se opone a "cualquier nueva tarifa de rendimiento, impuesto, regalías u otro cargo" en las estaciones de radio locales.

"NAB agradece a los representantes Womack y Castor por liderar el esfuerzo para garantizar que la radio local siga siendo una fuente viable de información confiable en las comunidades de todo el país. Los estadounidenses dependen de las noticias locales, las actualizaciones de tráfico, las alertas de clima severo, el entretenimiento y los deportes a los que pueden acceder libremente a través de las estaciones locales", dijo el presidente y director ejecutivo de NAB, Curtis LeGeyt. "Imponer una nueva tarifa de rendimiento además de los cientos de millones que las estaciones locales ya pagan en derechos de autor y tarifas de transmisión, obstaculizaría gravemente nuestra capacidad para brindar estos servicios gratuitos y esenciales a nuestros oyentes".

Los representantes Steve Womack (R-AR-3) y Kathy Castor (D-FL-14) son los principales patrocinadores de esta legislación. Resoluciones similares se introdujeron en Congresos anteriores y obtuvieron un amplio apoyo bipartidista, incluidos más de 250 miembros bipartidistas de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado en el último Congreso.

"La radio local es parte integral de mi vida, como lo es para muchos de los que están en Arkansas y en todo Estados Unidos", dijo el representante Womack. "Es el latido del corazón de las comunidades, ya que permite el acceso gratuito a los deportes, las noticias y el entretenimiento locales. Pero lo más importante es que es un salvavidas cuando ocurre un desastre. La Ley de Libertad de Radio Local se opone a los cargos que podrían amenazar la viabilidad de estos negocios locales de los que dependen muchas personas".

"La radio es una de las mejores opciones de confianza para recibir noticias locales, alertas meteorológicas, actualizaciones de tráfico, oportunidades comunitarias y mucho más", dijo el representante Castor. "Es particularmente importante para mi estado natal de Florida, donde proporciona información crítica a los residentes y visitantes durante las tormentas y después de tiempos de crisis a través de la Red de Emergencia de la Radio Pública de Florida. Es por eso que soy un orgulloso patrocinador de la Ley de Libertad de Radio Local, una resolución que reafirma el apoyo del Congreso a las estaciones de radio locales y se opone a nuevas tarifas o impuestos a la radio local de transmisión gratuita".

Fuente: NAB



Funcionario de Los Ángeles elogia a la radio por su funcion durante los incendios forestales


A medida que los socorristas continúan luchando contra los incendios forestales en curso en Los Ángeles, los líderes públicos continúan enfatizando la importancia de la radio. El medio ha mantenido incansablemente informados a los residentes durante todo el incendio, que ahora ha destruido 40,000 acres y se proyecta que causará un daño estimado de $ 150 mil millones.

En una llamada a KNX News de Audacy, la ex secretaria de Trabajo de EE. UU. y supervisora del Distrito 1 del condado de Los Ángeles, Hilda Solís, elogió la capacidad de la radio para informar cuando todo lo demás fallaba.

Solís dijo: "Se me fue la luz [el miércoles], desde las 4 de la tarde hasta muy temprano [el jueves] por la mañana... Diré esto: si no era capaz de mantenerme al día con las noticias a través de su estación de radio, eso me iba a volver loco. Así que quiero agradecerles personalmente. Tuvimos que encontrar una radio de transistores en el garaje que habíamos guardado y escuchamos las noticias anoche y temprano esta mañana".

"Realmente quiero entregárselo a usted y a su equipo, pero decir, lo que es más importante, que ese tipo de radios anticuadas que ya no usamos son muy útiles cuando su sistema de Internet y todo se cae en su casa y no tiene electricidad, ni calefacción, ni nada. Muy importante que la gente lo sepa. Eso es algo que tienen que poner en su lista".

KNX se ha unido a muchas otras estaciones para proporcionar cobertura las 24 horas del día a las de toda la región, ya que se corta la energía y las torres de telefonía móvil se sobrecargan.

El presidente y director ejecutivo de NAB, Curtis LeGeyt, dijo a Radio Ink: "Las estaciones de radio locales y sus equipos han ido más allá durante los devastadores incendios forestales en Los Ángeles. Estas estaciones están apoyando a sus oyentes en los momentos en que más lo necesitan, proporcionando actualizaciones críticas e información de evacuación frente a una incertidumbre abrumadora. Muchos lo han hecho incluso cuando sus propios hogares y familias han estado en peligro, demostrando un compromiso extraordinario de servir a los demás. Su dedicación inquebrantable, a menudo en condiciones desgarradoras, refleja el verdadero poder de la radio local para salvar vidas y unir a las comunidades en tiempos de crisis".

En el lado no comercial, las emisoras públicas se han unido para mantener informadas a sus audiencias. KCRW, LAist 89.3 (KPCC), PBS SoCal y CalMatters comenzaron a enviar boletines conjuntos por correo electrónico de Actualización de Noticias sobre Incendios Forestales, diciendo: "A medida que los incendios forestales continúan afectando a nuestras comunidades, sus organizaciones de medios públicos de confianza están trabajando juntas para brindarle actualizaciones diarias. A partir de ahora, puede contar con recibir noticias e información locales gratuitas, confiables y esenciales para apoyarlo durante este momento crítico".

La presidenta y directora ejecutiva de la Corporación para la Difusión Pública, Patricia Harrison, comentó: "A medida que los incendios forestales sin precedentes continúan devastando el sur de California, nuestros pensamientos están con todos los afectados. En las circunstancias más difíciles, las estaciones de medios públicos locales en el área están proporcionando alertas críticas, precisas y que salvan vidas, así como noticias e información locales, en el aire y en línea, a más de 18 millones de personas. Las estaciones también están proporcionando guías en tiempo real y recursos de referencia para aquellos que enfrentan la amenaza inmediata de los incendios.

"Estamos comprometidos a apoyar a nuestras estaciones de medios públicos y a las comunidades a las que sirven mientras navegamos juntos por esta crisis".

Los incendios han afectado las operaciones de transmisión nacional, con FOX Sports Radio cambiando brevemente a programación pregrabada después de que se dio una orden de evacuación para los estudios de la cadena el sábado.

La Broadcasters Foundation of America ha activado una línea directa especial para proporcionar subvenciones de emergencia a las emisoras del sur de California afectadas por los incendios forestales en curso. Las emisoras pueden presentar su solicitud en línea o llamar al número de emergencia al 212-373-8250. El proceso de solicitud acelerado tiene como objetivo entregar ayuda financiera en cuestión de semanas, similar a los esfuerzos durante las inundaciones de octubre causadas por los huracanes Helene y Milton.

Fuente: Radio Ink






La Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones adoptó el 11 de diciembre multas en virtud de la Ley de Prevención del Abuso Ilegal de Radio a través de la Aplicación de la Ley (Ley PIRATE) contra tres operadores de radio pirata en el área de Boston.

En primer lugar, la Comisión emitió una multa de $120,000 contra Renold David por operar una estación de radio no autorizada en 101.9 MHz conocida como "Lotnivo FM" en Brockton, Massachusetts. En segundo lugar, la Comisión impuso una multa de $40,000 contra Djovany Pierre y Mario Turner por operar una estación de radio no autorizada en 96.5 MHz en Brockton, Massachusetts. La estación se conoce como “Radio Tele Brockton 96.5” y “Brockton Heat”. En tercer lugar, la FCC emitió una multa de $40,000 contra Joao Vieira por operar una estación de radio no autorizada conocida como “Brockton FM” en 102.1 MHz en Brockton, Massachusetts. Cada uno recibió un Aviso de Responsabilidad Aparente por Decomiso de la Comisión en abril de 2024. Ninguno de los operadores multados presentó una respuesta a los NAL de la Comisión, asegura la FCC en un comunicado.

Operar una estación de radio pirata es ilegal según la Ley de Comunicaciones de 1934. Para mejorar las capacidades de aplicación, el Congreso promulgó la Ley PIRATE en enero de 2020.

La Ley PIRATE proporciona a la FCC autoridad de aplicación adicional, incluidas sanciones más altas contra las emisoras de radio piratas. Este año, las sanciones máximas ajustadas a la inflación por la radiodifusión pirata han aumentado a 119.555 dólares por día, con un máximo de 2.391.097 dólares. Además de imponer multas más duras a los infractores, la ley exige que la FCC realice redadas periódicas de cumplimiento y otorga a la Comisión la autoridad para tomar medidas coercitivas contra los propietarios y propietarios que permitan deliberada y conscientemente la radiodifusión pirata en sus propiedades.

Incluidas las multas aplicadas este 11 de diciembre, la Comisión ha propuesto multas por valor de 14.512.969 dólares e impuesto sanciones por valor de 5.549.398 dólares contra los operadores de radio pirata desde enero de 2021.




FCC autorizO que las repetidoras de fm puedan emitir hasta 3 minutos por hora de contenidos propios


La Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC, por su sigla en inglés) adoptó el 21 de noviembre las reglas finales para permitir que las estaciones repetidoras (o boosters, en inglés) de FM originen programación de manera limitada. Las emisoras que elijan usar esta nueva opción podrían, durante hasta tres minutos de cada hora, transmitir programación en estaciones repetidoras diferentes de su estación principal, para satisfacer mejor las necesidades e intereses de los oyentes locales.

Hasta hace poco, el único propósito de los boosters de FM era retransmitir señales a áreas donde la recepción era deficiente, como una montaña impedía que la estación principal sirviera a parte de su comunidad.

Las reglas de la Comisión no permitían que las estaciones repetidoras originaran contenido. Con los avances en la tecnología, se ha vuelto posible que las emisoras de FM personalicen el contenido entregado a diferentes partes de sus áreas de servicio mediante el uso de equipos retransmisores para transmitir programación distinta de su estación principal. La medida tomada por la FCC ha limitado en 25 el número de repetidoras o boosters que cada estación de FM podrá operar.

Desde abril de 2024, la FCC ha permitido dicho uso de forma temporal y experimental, pero hoy adopta normas de procesamiento, licencias y servicio para que esté disponible de forma más permanente. Estas medidas brindarían a las emisoras la opción de ofrecer a los oyentes contenido más específico, como noticias hiperlocales e informes meteorológicos y anuncios de pequeñas empresas locales.





La Oficina de Cumplimiento de la FCC emitió hoy (11 de julio) advertencias a trece propietarios de inmuebles en el área metropolitana de Nueva York por permitir aparentemente transmisiones de radio ilegales desde sus propiedades. Los objetivos de las advertencias de hoy podrían enfrentar multas de hasta casi $2.4 millones si la FCC determina que una parte continúa permitiendo que cualquier individuo o entidad participe en transmisiones de radio piratas desde cualquier propiedad que posea o administre.

Los Avisos de Radiodifusión Pirata Ilegal enviados hoy apuntan a propiedades identificadas por agentes de campo como fuentes de transmisiones de radio pirata en Manhattan, Brooklyn, el Bronx y Spring Valley, Nueva York, y en Newark e Irvington, Nueva Jersey. Estos avisos notifican formalmente a los propietarios sobre la actividad de transmisión ilegal que ocurre en su propiedad; informar a los propietarios de su posible responsabilidad por continuar permitiendo que dicha actividad ocurra en su propiedad; exigir prueba de que ha cesado la transmisión ilegal en el inmueble; y solicitar la identificación de las personas involucradas en la transmisión ilegal.

La Ley PIRATA proporciona a la FCC autoridad de aplicación adicional, incluidas sanciones más altas contra las emisoras de radio piratas. Este año, las penas máximas ajustadas a la inflación por radiodifusión pirata han aumentado a 119.555 dólares por día, con un máximo de 2.391.097 dólares. Además de multas más severas para los infractores, la ley exige que la FCC realice redadas periódicas y otorga a la Comisión autoridad para tomar medidas coercitivas contra propietarios y propietarios que intencionalmente y con conocimiento permiten transmisiones de radio piratas en sus propiedades.

Fuente: FCC






La Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones propuso hoy (25) multas contra siete operadores de radio piratas en virtud de la Ley de Prevención del Abuso de Radio Ilegal mediante la Aplicación de la Ley (Ley PIRATA) por operar seis estaciones de radio piratas. Estas estaciones de radio piratas, investigadas durante la redada de la Oficina de Cumplimiento en el área de Boston bajo la Ley PIRATA, ahora enfrentan multas propuestas por un total de $857,775.

La radio pirata es una transmisión no autorizada de señales de radio en las frecuencias dentro o adyacentes a las bandas de radio FM y AM. Las operaciones de radio pirata plantean riesgos para la seguridad pública, incluida la provocación de interferencias perjudiciales a estaciones de radio autorizadas que transmiten mensajes de alerta de emergencia para la seguridad pública. Operar una estación de radio pirata es ilegal según la Ley de Comunicaciones de 1934 y está sujeto a las capacidades de aplicación mejoradas de la FCC promulgadas por el Congreso en la Ley PIRATA de 2020. Según la Ley PIRATA, la FCC puede multar a los operadores de radio piratas con hasta $119,555 por día y una máximo de $2,391,097, ajustado por inflación.

La Ley PIRATA aumenta las posibles sanciones por transmisiones ilegales, requiere que la FCC realice redadas periódicas y otorga a la Comisión autoridad para tomar medidas coercitivas contra propietarios y propietarios que intencionalmente y con conocimiento permiten transmisiones de radio piratas en sus propiedades.

Hoy, la Comisión propuso una multa de $597,775 bajo la Ley PIRATA contra Jean Marius, el operador de la estación de radio pirata “Radio Tele Planet Compas” en Brockton, Randolph y Mattapan, MA. Renold David, operador de la estación de radio pirata “Lotnivo FM” en Brockton se enfrenta a una multa de 120.000 dólares, y Shane Kelly, operador de la estación de radio pirata “The Test 87.9 FM” en Hyannis, MA, se enfrenta a una multa de 20.000 dólares. Además, los siguientes operadores de radio pirata se enfrentan cada uno a multas de 40.000 dólares: Joao Vieira, operador de la estación de radio pirata “Brockton FM” en Brockton; Robert Bellinger, operador de una estación de radio pirata, conocida como “TBR Radio” en Cotuit, MA; y Djovany Pierre y Mario Turner, operadores de la emisora de radio pirata, conocida como “Radio Tele Brockton 96.5” o “Brockton Heat”, en Brockton.

Las acciones propuestas, formalmente denominadas Avisos de responsabilidad aparente por decomiso, o NAL, contienen sólo alegaciones que informan a las partes sobre cómo aparentemente han violado la ley y pueden establecer sanciones monetarias propuestas. La Comisión no podrá imponer sanciones pecuniarias superiores en estos casos a la cuantía propuesta en las NAL. Ni las acusaciones ni las sanciones propuestas en las NAL son acciones definitivas de la Comisión. Se dará a las partes la oportunidad de responder, y la Comisión considerará las presentaciones de pruebas y argumentos legales de las partes antes de seguir actuando para resolver el asunto.

Fuente: FCC


La radio amplía su ventaja como el medio masivo más grande de Estados Unidos


Nielsen ha consolidado datos para 2023 sobre el tamaño del alcance de la radio en la televisión y otros formatos de medios en los Estados Unidos. Desde 2022, los medios han tomado el liderazgo como mayor alcance mediático en Norteamérica entre audiencias de 18 a 49 años, algo que se consolidó el año pasado ampliando la brecha. Resistente, la radio mantiene su nivel habitual de consumo, mientras que la televisión experimenta una disminución de su alcance en Estados Unidos. Asumido, la diferencia entre ambos promedios fue del 3% y, el año pasado, aumentó un 12%. Detalle: las predicciones iniciales eran que la radio sólo superaría a la televisión a partir de 2025.

Según la encuesta de Nielsen, la radio tiene actualmente una audiencia promedio un 12% mayor que la de la televisión entre audiencias de 18 a 49 años, lo que refleja la creciente influencia de la radio, que llega a un 40% más de personas en este grupo de edad en comparación con la televisión. La interacción diaria con la radio y la televisión es prácticamente idéntica, poco más de una hora al día, según los datos analizados por Pierre Bouvard en el blog Cumulus Media/Westwood One Audio Active Group.

El informe de audiencia total del tercer trimestre de 2023 de Nielsen revela que la radio terrestre sigue siendo el medio de comunicación más extendido en Estados Unidos, superando a las redes sociales, los vídeos online, los dispositivos conectados a TV/Internet y la televisión tradicional entre los adultos mayores, mayores de 18 años. Especialmente entre las audiencias de 18 a 49 años, la radio AM/FM comparte el liderazgo en alcance semanal con las redes sociales, superando a los vídeos online y a los dispositivos conectados a la televisión, ocupando la televisión tradicional el quinto lugar.

La televisión, por su parte, ha visto disminuir significativamente su atractivo entre las audiencias de 18 a 49 años, con una caída del 29% en la cobertura semanal y una reducción del 62% en el tiempo de visualización diario desde 2018. Por el contrario, la mayoría de las impresiones publicitarias televisivas ahora están dirigidos a públicos de 65 y 49 años. alcaldes, lo que pone de relieve una desconexión con los anunciantes que buscan llegar a un público más joven, según un análisis de Westwood One Audio Active Group. Por otro lado, la radio AM/FM tiene una distribución demográfica más equilibrada, con alrededor del 40% de oyentes entre 18 y 49 años.

El World Advertising Research Center destaca la importancia del alcance para la eficacia de los medios, destacando que el rápido crecimiento proviene de atraer compradores ocasionales o poco frecuentes. Esto tiene como objetivo aliviar la eficacia de los medios de amplia gama, como la radio AM/FM, para impulsar las ventas y los beneficios, en contraste con las limitaciones de un segmento reducido. Tudoradio.com incluso compartió otro análisis de Bouvard, destacando la creencia de que la radio AM/FM es efectiva para llegar a los tomadores de decisiones comerciales, algo vital para los anunciantes.

Otro detalle importante del análisis es que la escucha de radio AM/FM no se limita a las tradicionales “horas pico”, sino que el 59% de la escucha se produce fuera de estos periodos. Las horas promedio atraen al mayor número de espectadores, lo que disipa el mito de que las horas pico dominan la participación en la radio. Otro factor destacable en los medios especializados que cubren los medios es que la audiencia los fines de semana también es más importante de lo que muchos anunciantes suponen, igualando el alcance de las mañanas y tardes de la semana.

Fuente: TudoRádio


robaron la planta transmisora de una estacion am en alabama, incluida la torre de 200 pies


Los robos de cobre en los sitios de transmisión son demasiado frecuentes. Pero he aquí un caso en el que el objetivo aparentemente era el acero.

El gerente general de WJLX en Jasper, Alabama, dice que alguien robó la torre AM de 200 pies de la estación.

Brett Elmore, un radiodifusor de segunda generación, publicó el viernes en la plataforma de redes sociales X : "He oído hablar de ladrones en esta área que roban cualquier cosa, pero este se lleva la palma".

El sitio de AM está detrás de una planta avícola local en un callejón sin salida. Elmore había enviado un operador al sitio para realizar trabajos de limpieza antes de construir un nuevo cobertizo, dijo.

“Cuando llegó, me llamó y me notificó que no solo mi edificio había sido vandalizado, ¡sino que mi torre de 200 pies había desaparecido! Robaron todos los equipos del edificio, cortaron los cables de sujeción de la torre y de alguna manera lograron derribar una torre de 200 pies y sacarla de la propiedad”. Entre los equipos robados se encuentra el transmisor de la emisora.

WJLX es una estación AM no direccional de 1 kW en 1240 kHz. Tiene un retransmisor de FM al 101.5 que opera desde una ubicación diferente. James Early es el titular de la licencia.

Elmore dijo a Radio World el domingo por la noche que sus ingenieros planeaban solicitar una autorización temporal especial ante la FCC el lunes para un AM silenciosa y operar el transmisor de FM por su cuenta por el momento mientras la compañía decide sus próximos pasos. La torre no estaba asegurada.

Una estación de televisión local, tal vez sin pensar que las torres se pueden destrozar, destacó la naturaleza inusual del robo, calificándolo de "aparentemente imposible" y dijo que "parece poco probable que nadie haya notado una torre de radio rodando por la carretera".

Fuente: Radio World



informe de la NAB destaca la importancia de la radio AM para la seguridad pública


La Asociación Nacional de Radiodifusión (NAB) publicó hoy (jueves 18) un informe que detalla la importancia para la seguridad pública de la radio AM, que sirve como columna vertebral del Sistema de Alerta de Emergencia. La NAB publica el informe a medida que crece el impulso en el Congreso para aprobar una legislación que garantice que la radio AM sea accesible al público en todos los vehículos.

"Cuando ocurre un desastre, la radio AM ha demostrado una y otra vez su invaluable papel como fuente de información objetiva, autorizada y actualizada que salva vidas", dijo el presidente y director ejecutivo de NAB, Curtis LeGeyt. “También es el hogar de una diversidad de programación que a menudo no está disponible en otros medios y es particularmente importante para comunidades que de otra manera estarían desatendidas. Es fundamental que el Congreso aborde la necesidad de contar con capacidad de radio AM en los vehículos para garantizar que los estadounidenses puedan recurrir a las estaciones AM locales cuando más las necesiten”.

La radio AM sirve a las comunidades locales de dos maneras vitales durante las emergencias: mediante la difusión de señales de alerta de emergencia y proporcionando una fuente segura de noticias confiables. El informe destaca el papel único de la radio AM en el Sistema de Alerta de Emergencia (EAS), el sistema nacional de alerta pública comúnmente utilizado por las autoridades estatales y locales para transmitir información de emergencia crítica por televisión y radio. El EAS depende de estaciones de transmisión para transmitir mensajes de emergencia, con más de 70 estaciones de radio (la gran mayoría de las cuales son estaciones AM) que sirven como puntos de entrada principales que inician el mensaje y lo difunden a otros medios de comunicación en todo el país.

La radio AM también conecta a diversas comunidades con programación en múltiples idiomas y sirve como salvavidas en las zonas rurales de Estados Unidos, donde el acceso celular y de banda ancha puede ser poco confiable.

El informe documenta el papel fundamental de la radio AM en desastres naturales cuando otras redes de comunicación fallan, incluidos ejemplos de la respuesta de las estaciones durante los incendios forestales de Maui, el incendio de Tubbs en el norte de California y un brote de tornados en Arkansas. Los oyentes cuentan cómo se enteraron de las emergencias a través de sus estaciones de radio AM locales, lo que les permitió evacuar a áreas más seguras, mantenerse informados una vez pasado el peligro y obtener información autorizada frente a la desinformación en las plataformas en línea.

El informe insta a la Cámara y al Senado en pleno a apoyar la Ley de Radio AM para Cada Vehículo. Esta legislación requeriría que el Secretario de Transporte emita una norma que exija que los vehículos fabricados o importados en los EE.UU. tengan instalados dispositivos que brinden acceso a la radio AM. Además de los 240 miembros del Congreso, el proyecto de ley cuenta con el apoyo de funcionarios de gestión de emergencias, profesionales de la comunicación y grupos que representan a comunidades rurales, de ancianos y otras comunidades diversas.

Fuente: Nab




El presidente de la NAB, Curtis LeGeyt, expresa preocupación por la
falta de regulación sobre la IA en la comunicación


El presidente de la NAB (Asociación Nacional de Radiodifusores), Curtis LeGeyt, se mostró preocupado por la falta de regulación sobre la inteligencia artificial en el periodismo y en general. El ejecutivo ve oportunidades para que las emisoras de radio y televisión aprovechen la IA, pero también señala riesgos, especialmente si no existen barreras protectoras.

LeGeyt abordó cuestiones como el uso no autorizado del contenido protegido por derechos de autor de las emisoras sin atribución ni compensación y la posible manipulación de imágenes y vídeos de personalidades confiables de la radio y la televisión. " Las emisoras han visto numerosos ejemplos en los que el contenido creado por nuestros periodistas ha sido utilizado y reproducido por robots de inteligencia artificial, con poca o ninguna atribución ", dijo LeGeyt durante su testimonio ante el Subcomité Judicial del Senado de Estados Unidos.

LeGeyt afirmó además que los profesionales de la radio y la televisión también enfrentan la posibilidad de ver socavada por la IA la confianza que han construido en sus comunidades locales. " La creciente prevalencia de deepfakes hace que sea cada vez más difícil para nuestras redacciones y usuarios identificar y distinguir el contenido transmitido legítimo y protegido por derechos de autor del contenido generado por IA no verificado y potencialmente inexacto ", dijo a los legisladores.

LeGeyt enfatizó la confiabilidad de las estaciones como fuente de noticias, citando ejemplos de periodismo premiado. Si bien ha reconocido los beneficios potenciales de la IA en el periodismo, como ayudar a entregar noticias de última hora y traducir historias para audiencias diversas, también advierte sobre los riesgos asociados con la IA generativa , incluido el uso no autorizado de contenido, la manipulación de personalidades confiables y los desafíos planteados por deepfakes.

De hecho, la necesidad de disciplinar el uso de la IA ya es un debate presente en todo el mundo, en los más diferentes sectores. " Cualquier discusión sobre regulación es válida . Nota: la regulación no es necesariamente una prohibición. Si se discute bien entre todos los actores involucrados, y eso nos incluye a nosotros (yo, usted, etc.), servirá como la 'regla del juego'. dándonos seguridad sobre cuáles son los límites éticos, los impactos sociales adecuados, entre otros puntos fundamentales" , dice Daniel Starck, en un artículo publicado recientemente en tudoradio.com sobre el tema .

El presidente de la NAB también destacó el orgullo de las emisoras por su papel y su disposición a adoptar la IA para mejorar sus servicios. Al mismo tiempo, advirtió contra la exploración de nuevas tecnologías que podrían dañar las noticias locales, e instó al subcomité a monitorear la IA y su aplicación según las leyes actuales.

Fuente: Tudo radio

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mas de 20 estaciones de radio fueron afectadas por el huracan ian en florida


More than 20 radio stations are known to be off the air in Florida as Hurricane Ian’s impact is still being assessed. The Federal Communications Commission said Thursday that 15 FMs and six AMs said reported they were dark. The number – from the FCC’s Disaster Information Reporting System – is a snapshot in time, however, and more or fewer stations may be off the air from the storm. A half dozen television stations are also not on the air according to the FCC.

Speaking to reporters following the Commission’s monthly meeting on Thursday, Chair Jessica Rosenworcel said that the agency has been on the ground in Florida since before Hurricane Ian made land Wednesday afternoon.

“We sent two teams down early to Florida to perform a baseline survey of communications, which helps us better understand storm recovery,” Rosenworcel said. “We're going to continue to monitor the situation and we are absolutely committed to making sure that communications is restored and is recovered,” she said.

In the Ft. Myers-Naples market, where Ian turned streets into rivers, damaged two bridges, demolished the power grid and left widespread destruction, many stations that remained on the air were in a second day of carrying wall-to-wall storm coverage on Thursday. Beasley Media Group stations were airing audio from Waterman Broadcasting “NBC-2” WBBH-TV while iHeartMedia’s stations in the market were simulcasting “Operation Storm Watch” from news/talk sister “NewsRadio” WFLA Tampa (970). Several station streams in the market were offline Thursday afternoon. Up the Gulf Coast in Tampa and across the I-4 corridor in Orlando, most FMs had returned to regular programming on Thursday, while airing frequent storm updates. In Jacksonville, Cox Media Group news/talk “News 104.5” WOKV was in wall-to-wall Ian coverage.

FCC Coordinating With FEMA

Some FCC staffers spent Wednesday night inside the Sarasota Police Department where they helped set up a Wi-Fi link to make sure critical information was relayed. And the FCC has been coordinating with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and state and local officials about the state of their communications. “We have also put out multilingual PSAs,” Rosenworcel said.

The wireless networks have been harder hit than broadcasters so far. The FCC says 10.9% of cell sites are reported out of service in Florida. But in the counties around Ft. Myers, that number is much higher with the FCC reporting two-thirds of cell towers are offline. It points out, however, that the number of cell site outages in a specific area does not necessarily correspond to the availability of wireless service to consumers in that area since wireless networks are often designed with numerous, overlapping cell sites.

The FCC has also been pushing telecommunications companies to take more aggressive steps to make wireless networks more resilient, including roaming on one another’s networks. Commissioner Brendan Carr said he thought mobile providers should allow for cross-network roaming immediately, where feasible, rather than waiting a few days.

“I would encourage all the mobile wireless carriers out there to look to be very quickly opening up roaming, which can be a very effective way of getting people help,” said Carr. “The hours are vitally critical.”

The FCC’s daily update says that cable TV and wireline companies also reported 525,966 subscribers out of service in the disaster area for Hurricane Ian, including the loss of telephone, television, and internet services. That is up from 26,716 subscribers out of service on Wednesday.

Fuente: Inside radio





el paso del huracan fiona por puerto rico dejo varias emisoras fuera del aire


At least ten radio stations are out of service in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Fiona. And as federal efforts ramp up to help the island, many broadcasters are on the front lines providing news and information about the cleanup from the storm. Like radio’s counterparts on the mainland, Fiona is showcasing the medium’s role as a “top responder” during an emergency, says San Juan General Manager Alan Corales, President of the 70-station Puerto Rico Broadcasters Association.

“Although it has been difficult, radio is always the first to respond to these weather events,” says Corales. “We know that many of our people have been affected by the passage of Hurricane Fiona, and we are all fighting to have the stations on the air in record time. We continue to serve our communities.”

The Federal Communications Commission said late Tuesday that it is aware of six FMs and four AM stations in Puerto Rico that are off the air. But because the FCC’s Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS) relies on voluntary reporting and some stations may not have the internet connection needed to file a report, the actual number may be higher. No broadcast television station is believed to be dark, but the FCC says Cable and wireline companies reported 795,289 cable and wireline subscribers are without service in the disaster area. That includes the loss of telephone, television, and internet services.

Cell phone service has been hard hit across the island. The FCC says overall, nearly a third (30.2%) of the cell sites in the affected area are out of service. While it is lower in San Juan where about a quarter of cell sites are offline, things are worse in some counties such as Las Marias where 81.8% of cell sites are dark and Culebra Country where 80% are offline. Other hard-hit counties include Barranquitas and Coamo where 72% are dark, Comerio (68.8%), Jayuya (66.7%), and Cayey (55%).

The FCC says it has been coordinating closely with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other government partners, including officials in Puerto Rico, as well as communications providers to help with restoration activities.

“I saw that firsthand during my visit to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, and now some of those same areas have been hit once more,” said FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel in a statement. “The FCC is assessing the impact on communications services and infrastructure and issuing daily public reports to keep people informed. We will work closely with government partners and communications providers to support restoration efforts as families and residents all over the island begin to rebuild, once again,” she said.

It was five years ago that Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the FCC says it is taking the lessons learned from that response now in the Fiona cleanup. That includes performing a baseline survey of spectrum usage in targeted areas, including AM/FM radio, which will help federal agencies assess the post-landfall impact to broadcasters and public safety communications. The FCC is also deploying staff to the affected areas to perform post-landfall, on-site surveys of communications services and infrastructure as well as to assist with coordination and oversight of communications restoration.

“In times of crises, staying connected takes on new urgency,” Rosenworcel said.

Fee Deadline Pushed Back For PR Stations

In a move to help those stations impacted, the FCC has pushed back the annual regulatory fee deadline for Puerto Rican radio stations impacted by the hurricane. Those stations can now pay the annual fee up to 11:59pm ET on September 30. For all other stations the September 28 deadline remains in effect.

The FCC says it is also looking at other regulatory deadlines and assessing the need for other regulatory assistance that may be helpful. That includes granting Special Temporary Authority (STA) to permit immediate or temporary operation of certain radio facilities, as well as waivers to support emergency communications and service restoration.

But Brenda Victoria Castillo, President of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, thinks the government needs to do more. She says the Biden administration needs to “immediately provide significant aid” to Puerto Rico.

Free Press Action echoed that, saying the FCC needs to exercise its full authority to help everyone on the islands in need of critical telecommunications. While Free Press’ Vanessa Maria Graber says the Biden administration is doing better at addressing some things, such as making more outage information public, more work needs to be done.

“All in all, it’s deeply troubling how little the FCC has done to use existing information about what went wrong in 2017 to prevent the kinds of failures we’re now seeing again in 2022,” said Garber.

Fuente: Inside radio





FCC aprueba el cambio de regla que hace que sea más barato y más fácil usar antenas direccionales de FM


The Federal Communications Commission today (may, 19) adopted a Report and Order that gives FM and Low Power FM (LPFM) applicants using directional antennas the option of verifying the directional pattern through the use of computer modeling.

Some FM stations use directional antennas in order to prevent interference to other stations or to keep the signal from radiating outside the station’s authorized service area. When seeking a license, FM radio stations using directional antennas are required to provide measurements of the radiated signal to verify their directional pattern. To do this, stations must either build a full-size mockup of the antenna or build a scale model. These measurements can involve considerable expense to the applicant.

Today’s action gives FM and LPFM broadcasters the option to verify directional antenna patterns by using computer modeling prepared by the antenna manufacturer rather than real-world measurements, after the model is initially verified for accuracy. The action will provide regulatory relief for both antenna manufacturers and FM broadcasters while maintaining the integrity of the Commission’s licensing requirements.

Fuente: FCC






To broadcasters, a series of changes just adopted by the Federal Communications Commission will mean time and money saved. For the FCC, the updates to its radio regulatory rulebook are about eliminating potential confusion with rules that it admits are often redundant, outdated or even in conflict with other requirements on the books.

Eliminate Transmitter Power Limit Rule For AMs.

The FCC has concluded the rule is “outdated and unnecessary” given its current reliance on actual operating antenna input power as the most accurate and effective means of ensuring that AM stations adhere to their authorized power limits. The FCC also agreed with comments filed by the National Association of Broadcasters that said the elimination of the technical restriction will allow AMs of any class to use transmitters of any rated power. That, it says, will benefit all AMs by broadening the market of transmitters, enhancing the secondary market for AM transmitters, and reducing the number of transmitters that need to be disposed of.

Clarify AM Fill-in Area Definition

The FCC amended the definition of an “AM fill-in area” used when an FM translator simulcasts an AM station. The FCC says its change will “create consistency” across different rules governing fill-in translator transmitter siting and make it clear what an “AM fill-in area” is. The rules have said that an FM translator rebroadcasting an AM broadcast station must be located such that the 60dBu contour is contained within the greater of either the 2 mV/m daytime contour of the AM station, or a 25-mile radius centered at the AM station’s transmitter site. The FCC agrees with the NAB that the rule may inadvertently prevent many AM stations from operating FM translators within their 2 mV/m contour.

Update Border FM Rules

The FCC amended the allocation and power limitations for broadcast stations within 320 kilometers of the Mexican and Canadian borders which it says is needed to comply with new agreements signed between the FCC and its Canadian and Mexican counterparts.
The NAB had asked that the FCC ensure that existing U.S. stations near the Canadian border do not inadvertently become short-spaced. It says a 1997 agreement between the two countries increased the required separation distances involving Class A FMs. And in the order, the FCC does that. “We clarify that no facility modifications will be ordered because of the administrative updates to the distance separation requirements and that any Class A FM station may continue to operate under its licensed parameters,” it says. However, the order also states that any application to modify the technical parameters in the station’s license must include a showing that the proposed facilities satisfy the treaty.

At the urging of the NAB, the order also clarifies that Class C0 FMs will be considered to be Class C FMs when allotments and assignments are considered near the Mexican border. But the FCC states that FM translators near the Mexican border will be subject to a contour overlap-based spacing methodology, and not distance separation rules. It opted not to change the rules for translators and booster stations near the Canadian border.

Updating Noncommercial FM Community Of License Coverage Rules

In a change the FCC says will “create consistency across different rules” regarding the requirement for community coverage for noncommercial FM, it replaces the requirement that stations reach 50% of their community of license or 50% of the population in their community. It is replaced with the more general requirement that a station covers “at least a portion of the community.”
The FCC also reaffirms the 60dBu contour-based coverage standard for noncommercial stations’ coverage requirement, rather than the 70dBu standard for commercial FMs. It says it represents a “carefully considered balance” between the rules and the service, technical, and financial realities of operating noncommercial FMs.

New Overlap Rules For Noncommercial Class D Stations

The FCC updated the signal strength contour overlap requirements for noncommercial Class D FMs to bring the rules in line with the contour overlap requirements for all other noncommercial FMs. The FCC says less restrictive requirements have proven effective for other FM classes, and there is “no reason to continue treating Class D stations differently.” It also says that the change will give Class Ds “greater site flexibility” and will create opportunities for stations to increase power and coverage.

Protections End For Grandfathered Common Carriers In Alaska

The FCC eliminated four “obsolete” rule provisions for broadcasters to protect grandfathered common carrier services in Alaska operating in the 76-100 MHz frequency band. “Our licensing databases indicate that there are no common carrier services remaining in this band in Alaska,” the order says. The rule dates to 1982 when the Commission reallocated the 76-100 MHz band in Alaska from government and non-government fixed services to broadcast services.

While a half dozen updates were made, the Commission rejected another proposed update to its FM transmitter inference rules at the urging of the NAB and others that worried it could eliminate protections to existing stations when another FM signs-on or its facilities are modified.

Fuente: Inside radio



PLUTO TV (OTT) Y viacomcbs pagaran 3.5 millones de dolares de multa por violar reglas de accesibilidad


The Federal Communications Commission’s Enforcement Bureau today (september 29) announced it has settled an investigation with Pluto Inc. and its parent company, ViacomCBS Inc., regarding violations of the Commission’s accessibility rules. In addition to paying a $3.5 million civil penalty, Pluto Inc. agreed to enter into a compliance plan to ensure that non-exempt video programming that Pluto streams over the internet includes closed captioning in compliance with Commission rules. Today’s action reflects the first consent decree and first enforcement action related to Internet Protocol (IP) closed captioning rules since their adoption in 2012.

The Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010, or CVAA, helps ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to fully utilize communications services and equipment and better access video programming. The internet has become central to the distribution of video programming, and consumers rely on a multitude of devices, including tablets, wireless phones, and game consoles, to access IP-delivered video programming. Given the growth of streaming services, this action reinforces the FCC’s commitment that people with disabilities should be able to access and enjoy streaming services.

The IP-closed captioning rules apply broadly to the distributors, providers, and owners of IP-delivered video programming. The rules require the closed captioning of IP-delivered video programming and impose requirements on certain apparatus that receive or play back video programming (including certain recording devices). All nonexempt full-length video programming delivered using Internet Protocol must be provided with closed captions if the programming was previously shown on television in the United States with captions or is live programming being shown on television in the United States with captions.

The Enforcement Bureau’s investigation confirmed that Pluto failed to comply with the IP closed captioning rules when distributing video programming on numerous platforms used to disseminate Pluto TV. Additionally, the company failed to implement the closed captioning functionality requirements and make contact information available to users in order to submit written closed captioning complaints. As a result of Pluto’s actions, individuals with hearing disabilities were unable to access closed captioning when viewing Pluto TV over some platforms.

Fuente: FCC




bajo la cantidad de estaciones de fm comerciales en estados unidos


The number of licensed FM commercial stations in the United States hit a historical peak 15 months ago and has been declining slightly since.

That’s one of the findings of an analysis by Radio World of the latest station count data from the Federal Communications Commission.

We also found that the number of AM stations is at its lowest in decades while the number of NCE FMs has hit a record high, as has the number of FM translators/boosters.

The tally of commercial FMs had been rising steadily over several decades. In 1990 (when FCC public data reporting became more consistent) there were about 4,350 commercial FM stations in the country. Ten years later and four years after the 1996 Telecom Act, there were close to 6,000 commercial FMs; and by the end of 2019 that number stood at 6,772.

But each of the five quarterly reports from the FCC since then has shown a slight ebbing; and at the end of March the number of commercial FM stations was 6,682, or 90 fewer than 15 months ago.

Whether we can read any general decline in demand for commercial FM stations into these numbers is problematic. It’s a drop of only 1.3% since the peak, though it is notable that the trend line had been virtually all upwards over many years prior. And the FCC doesn’t provide analysis of its data. Any shift could be driven by a slowing economy and of course the year-long pandemic. It’s a number we’ll keep an eye on.

Meanwhile the trend in AM station totals is more familiar and it continues in the latest quarter, when the FCC said there were 4,546 AM stations.

According to Radio World’s analysis, the country’s AM station count is the lowest it has been since at least 1990 and very likely longer than that. In 1990 there were just under 5,000 AM stations, and the total around that period tended not to vary much year to year.

But we can say that there are now about 9% fewer AM stations than there were in 1990.

On the other hand, the number of FM educational stations today is at its historic high of 4,213, up about 3% over five years and double the number at the turn of the century.

And the number of FM translators and boosters has also hit yet another record. There are now 8,521 of those, up 30% from just five years ago and more than four-fold from 1990, when there were only about 1,850 translators and boosters.

Demand for translators has been helped by multiple factors including HD Radio multicast plays, AM revitalization and general demand for FM spectrum.

And the number of low-power FM stations is now 2,114. That number has varied within a narrow range for the past decade.

Fuente: Radio world

Corte Suprema de EEUU avaló flexibilización de reglas de concentración cruzada a nivel local

In response to the Supreme Court ruling in favor of an appeal by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) to a lower court ruling blocking changes to broadcast media ownership regulations, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith:

“NAB commends today’s unanimous decision by the Supreme Court that the FCC’s recent and long-overdue modernization of its broadcast ownership regulations was lawful and appropriate. It is critical that the Commission continue to examine its media ownership rules to ensure that America’s broadcasters are able to compete and meet the needs of local communities across the nation in today’s media landscape. We look forward to working with the Commission on this effort given the essential role radio and television broadcasters play for all Americans."



atsc 3.0: fcc actualizo reglas para alentar el servicio de broadcast internet


The Federal Communications Commission today issued a Report and Order updating its rules to promote the introduction of ATSC 3.0-enabled innovative ancillary and supplementary broadcast services, otherwise known as Broadcast Internet.

The advances in spectrum efficiency provided by ATSC 3.0 means that broadcasters will continue to provide high-quality, free, over-the-air digital television while also having the extra capacity to complement the nation’s 5G wireless networks with Broadcast Internet data services. The Order’s clarification of the fee structure pertaining to ancillary and supplementary services ensures that television broadcasters can easily partner with third parties to provide new services without the risk of having to pay the federal government excessive fees.

Recognizing the unique public service mission of noncommercial educational television (NCE) stations, the Order also adopts a number of additional proposals designed to facilitate their provision of Broadcast Internet services. Notably, the item allows NCE stations to offer nonprofit, noncommercial, educational Broadcast Internet services alongside their television programming as part of the primary use of their spectrum and cuts the fee on revenue from those services in half, from five percent to two-and-a-half percent.

Action by the Commission December 10, 2020 by Report and Order (FCC 20-181). Chairman Pai, Commissioners O’Rielly and Carr. Commissioners Rosenworcel and Starks concurring. Chairman Pai, Commissioners Carr, Rosenworcel, and Starks issuing separate statements.

Fuente: FCC

NAB Statement on FCC Approval of Broadcast Internet Order

In response to the approval by the Federal Communications Commission of an order promoting Broadcast Internet using ATSC 3.0, the following statement can be attributed to NAB Senior Vice President of Communications Ann Marie Cumming:

"NAB appreciates the Commission's attention to the development of ATSC 3.0 and all of the consumer benefits that will follow. In particular, NAB thanks all of the Commissioners for working collaboratively with stakeholders to yield a positive item for the future of ATSC 3.0."



ee.uu.: radios podrian segmentar contenidos a traves de sus retransmisores


The idea of allowing U.S. radio stations to “geo-target” content via FM boosters took a step forward this week.

We also got some insight into how several FCC commissioners are thinking about the proposal, with one describing the idea as a “potentially industry-altering technology.”

On Tuesday the Federal Communications Commission issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to allow limited geo-targeting, and asked for comments.

This proposal has been pushed for years by technology company GeoBroadcast Solutions LLC, and has gained support and interest from a number of influential industry players.

The FCC wrote that the idea “presents novel technical and public interest issues that would benefit from additional consideration.”

Geo-targeted content could include advertisements as well as other content. The NPRM would change the booster rules to “enable FM broadcasters to use FM booster stations to air geo-targeted content … independent of the signals of its primary station within different portions of the primary station’s protected service contour for a limited period of time during the broadcast hour.”

GeoBroadcast Solutions welcomed this step: “The prospect of hyper-localizing over-the-air radio content has great potential for the industry in reaching underserved audiences, as well as providing news and alerts on a regional basis, and improving the advertising revenue for the stations,” said spokesman Robert Udowitz. “Industry groups, media and advertising companies, broadcasting companies, minority coalitions and individual stations have all supported and seen the prospects for this technology.”

GBS has said that the technology will work without causing any adjacent-channel interference, and that any self-interference would be manageable.

We learn in statements issued by the commissioners that Brendan Carr, a Republican, and Geoffrey Starks, a Democrat, have been working together to bring the idea to this point.

Starks has been a more public supporter of the idea, emphasizing its potential benefit to small, women and minority broadcasters.

But Carr wrote after the NPRM was released, “We both saw the public interest benefits of this new technology, and I welcomed the chance to work with him and his team over the past few weeks and months to ensure that the commission launched this rulemaking.”

Carr calls the idea “potentially industry-altering technology that will allow FM broadcasters to deliver targeted content over their existing spectrum.”

He wrote, “This technology promises to enhance service in local markets and help these stations compete in an ever-expanding media marketplace. And it means that the freedom to transmit targeted or customized content, which mobile wireless carriers have long enjoyed and broadcast television stations are now realizing with ATSC 3.0, could soon extend to broadcast radio as well.”

Commissioner Michael O’Rielly, also a Republican but shortly to depart the FCC, took a more cautious view.

O’Rielly said he welcomes creative ideas intended to help “legacy providers to compete effectively with their unregulated counterparts.” But O’Rielly expressed reservations about the pace of the rollout, “given its substantial implications for reshaping FM radio policy and the radio advertising marketplace.” He said the FCC should not rush.

“This rulemaking’s embrace of new radio technologies seems to have occurred at almost light speed,” O’Rielly wrote. “In addition to these process-related concerns, there are also substantive reasons to proceed with caution. … Any rulemaking that considers taking steps that rely on a proprietary technology should be done under a watchful and extremely skeptical eye. It can take years, if not decades, to undue problematic regulations that contain embedded technologies.”

He said comments that will be filed in coming weeks will be important. “Geo-targeting will likely have different consequences for different stations, and it will be important for the record to flesh out the relevant benefits and drawbacks of more targeted ad sales,” he wrote.

“Some argue that increased targeting could expand ad sales by making smaller stations, and even boosters, more attractive to ad buyers. However, it is also possible, at the same time, that geotargeted ads will lower station revenues overall because these ads will be cheaper as a result of reaching fewer ears, leaving stations with a more limited product to offer and putting them in the position of having to recoup lost revenue.”

O’Rielly said that if advertisers can slice any given market into half a dozen mini markets, “it is possible they will only buy spots in certain neighborhoods and forego others, while potentially reallocating remaining funds to digital advertising or other media.”

In the best-case scenario, he said, stations would be under heightened pressure to sell even more ads, at a time when potential ad sales are already being lost to other media. “In the worst-case scenario, the door could be opened to allowing advertisers to entirely ignore certain neighborhoods or mini markets, placing an untenable strain on small stations or broadcast boosters that operate in these areas and harming consumers who live there. In the absence of more robust analysis, the assumption that these changes will promote diversity of voices, much less ownership, is incredibly premature.”

But Commissioner Starks has expressed no such reservations.

Starks pointed to the impact of the pandemic on small, minority broadcast owners, and said this proposal will help. He cited supported from civil rights organizations including MMTC, the National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters (NABOB), National Urban League and numerous others.

“The ability to use of booster stations to provide hyper-localized content potentially opens up opportunities for station owners to increase advertising revenue, which for struggling stations could increase their chance of staying on the air to serve their local communities. It could also provide a cost-effective means for other small businesses to customize advertising to a targeted audience.”

Another benefit, he said, is that it could help minorities gain more access to capital.

“GeoBroadcast Solutions has developed an advertising revenue sharing model that would help smaller stations install boosters and new technology necessary to use the system without having to come up with up front capital and operational expenses,” he wrote. “If this innovative proposal can provide a new revenue stream that keeps even a few struggling stations on air or opens up opportunities for new broadcasters to enter the market, it is well worth our serious consideration.”

The comment deadline will be set once the notice appears in the Federal Register.

Fuente: RWonline


fcc multo con 125.000 dolares a licenciatario de radio de florida por varios incumplimientos


MAGIC BROADCASTING II, LLC has agreed to a Consent Decree with the FCC to resolve contesting and antenna lighting and registration rule violations at Talk WVFT (REAL TALK 93.3)/GRETNA-TALLAHASSEE, FL and Top 40 WILN (ISLAND 106)/PANAMA CITY, FL.

MAGIC will pay a $125,000 fine to settle the matter. The violations involved WVFT's tower not being properly lit for more than a year, and had been sold to MAGIC in 2012 without the FCC being notified; the contest violations involved to WILN contests, the "Troll Tracker" and "Alexa Almighty" contests, that had pre-selected winners and fake telephone calls from "contestants" aired on voice-tracked afternoon shows.

In other FCC actions, the Commission reached Consent Decrees with NRG LICENSE SUB, LLC (several WISCONSIN and ILLINOIS stations); RAVEN LICENSE SUB, LLC (additional WISCONSIN stations); STEWARDS OF SOUND News-Talk WOGO-A and Christian AC WWIB/HALLIE, WI); and MRR LICENSE LLC (Country WOOZ-F (Z100)/HARRISBURG, IL and Sports WXLT (103.5 ESPN)/CHRISTOPHER, IL) to resolve political public file violations. The licensees will be required to adhere to compliance plans but were not fined.

Fuente: Allaccess




estaciones de am podran realizar todas sus transmisiones en digital, avala la fcc


The Federal Communications Commission today adopted a Report and Order that allows AM radio stations to operate using all-digital broadcast signals. AM broadcasters will be able to voluntarily choose whether and when to convert to all-digital operation from their current analog or hybrid analog/digital signals.

All-digital broadcasting offers AM listeners significantly improved audio quality and more reliable coverage over a wider listenable area than analog or hybrid digital broadcasts. It also allows broadcasters to provide additional services to the public, such as song title and artist information. These enhancements will enable AM broadcasters to better compete in today’s media marketplace.

Today’s Order establishes technical rules to protect existing AM broadcast stations from interference. In addition, stations converting to all-digital operation will be required to notify the Commission and the public 30 days in advance of their transition. These stations must provide at least one free over-the-air digital programming stream that is comparable to or better in audio quality than a standard analog broadcast. They also must continue to participate in the Emergency Alert System. The Order envisions that AM broadcasters will decide whether to convert to all-digital operation based on the conditions in their respective markets.

Fuente: FCC




EE.UU.: juez ordena la detencion de un hombre que se niega a entregar tres estaciones de radio a su nuevo dueño


A federal judge has ordered California station owner Ed Stolz to be put in jail after he spent the summer ignoring an order to hand over control of three radio stations to a court-appointed receiver. Stolz was to have turned over the keys to receiver Larry Patrick but has so far failed to do so. He also skipped an Aug. 17 hearing. That has led U.S. District Court Judge Jesus Bernal to find Stolz in contempt of a court.

“As a consequence of this contempt of court, the Court orders that Stolz shall be jailed until he fully complies with the Court’s orders,” Bernal wrote in an order this week. He gave Stolz until Sept. 11 to turn himself into federal marshals in Riverside, CA or face the prospect that a bench warrant will be issued for his arrest.

To avoid that outcome, Bernal is again ordering Stolz to turn over all property deeds, land leases, and any contracts governing office, studio or transmitter towers used by the stations. He must also supply Patrick with programming and advertising contracts, bank statements from the past three months, recent station payroll records, and any keys he may have to any of the stations and their facilities. Even if he does all that is required, Bernal has slapped Stolz with what amounts to a $5,000 fine. The money would cover the expenses that Patrick rang up as a result of what the judge says has been “misconduct” by Stolz. “Payment of these sanctions shall be a precondition for the release of Stolz from custody,” he wrote in the order.

The stations involved in the dispute include CHRs “92.7 The Revolution” KREV San Francisco, “104.3 Now” KFRH Las Vegas, and “Hot Hits 97.7” KRCK-FM Palm Springs, CA. Stolz was ordered in July to turn the trio over to the receiver to be sold. The move came after Stolz’s stations were found to have used the music of 17 different copyright holders, without securing the rights.

In a complaint filed in April 2016 in U.S. District Court, the music companies – including some of the largest, like Sony/ATV, Universal Music Group, and Warner Music Group – alleged the Stolz-owned stations had played music in their catalogs without obtaining the required licenses. They alleged some of the violations dated to 1981. The court awarded the music companies a combined $1,249,563 in damages for each of the eleven copyright violations named in their complaint. Stolz appealed the judgement, but the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the verdict, meaning some of what the FMs fetch in a sale will go to pay damages to the music companies.

Stolz’s Royce International Broadcasting owns one other station that is not affected by the receivership: “790 Talk Now” KBET Las Vegas.

Fuente: Inside radio





The Federal Communications Commission today adopted a Report and Order eliminating the radio duplication rule for both the AM and FM services. The rule restricts the duplication of programming on commonly owned broadcast radio stations operating in the same service and geographic area.

The radio duplication rule, initially adopted in 1964, has been updated several times over the years to reflect marketplace changes, most recently in 1992. In today’s Order, the Commission finds that eliminating the radio duplication rule will help struggling stations stay on the air; afford broadcast radio licensees greater flexibility to address issues of local concern in a timely fashion, particularly in times of crisis; assist with format changes; facilitate a potential voluntary digital transition in the AM service; and ultimately allow stations to improve service to their communities. The Commission also concludes that broadcasters have no incentive to limit their appeal and thus their revenues by simulcasting the same programming on multiple stations for long periods of time so the benefits of providing additional flexibility outweigh any costs.

The rulemaking furthers the Commission’s Modernization of Media Regulation Initiative to eliminate or modify media regulations that are outdated, unnecessary or unduly burdensome, and concludes the 18th proceeding that is part of this initiative.

Action by the Commission August 6, 2020 by Report and Order (FCC 20-109). Chairman Pai, Commissioners O’Rielly and Carr approving. Commissioners Rosenworcel and Starks concurring in part and dissenting in part. Chairman Pai, Commissioners Carr, Rosenworcel, and Starks issuing separate statements.

Fuente: FCC





A Fort Collins-Greeley, CO market low-power FM has been slapped with a $15,000 fine by the Federal Communications Commission after it determined the station aired more than 1,600 commercials promoting a variety of products and services during a three-month period in 2018. The FCC says adult standards “Pirate Radio 104.7” KELS-LP violated the Commission’s rules prohibiting commercial advertisements on noncommercial educational stations.

KELS-LP first came on the radar of the Enforcement Bureau in 2015 when several complaints were lodged about license holder Plymouth Gathering essentially operating the noncommercial station as a commercial station. In September 2018 field agents at the Colorado field office paid a visit to the station and recorded a segment of programming. The transcript of that tape revealed 14 different announcements that went beyond the limits put on traditional underwriting spots allowed for noncommercial radio. The ads were for local restaurants, a shoe store, a jeweler, realtors, auto repair shops, home repair shops, and a pet grooming service, among other local businesses.

“None of the foregoing announcements are permissible,” wrote Enforcement Bureau Chief Rosemary Harold in the forfeiture order, explaining each spot had “clearly promotional” language. “Each announcement refers either to specific qualities or attributes of the respective underwriters and their products and seeks to distinguish them from competitors or contains language of inducement,” she said. Harold also noted that KELS-LP did not dispute the accuracy of the transcripts when presented with the evidence.

The result is a tentative $15,000 fine against the LPFM. Plymouth Gathering now has thirty days to pay the fine or file a response that explains why the penalty should be reduced or canceled.

Shorter Is Safer

In the Bureau’s decision, Harold also offers some guidelines for noncommercial stations, including LPFMs, about what sort of copy points should not be included in their underwriting announcements. While brand or store names can be acknowledged for contributing to a station, the FCC rules say those mentions cannot promote the contributors’ products, services, or business in general. The underwriting mentions also cannot include comparative or qualitative descriptions; price information (sales or discounts); calls to action; inducements to buy, sell, rent, or lease; and excessively detailed “menu listings” of services offered by the entity.

“The Commission has found that the longer the announcement, the more likely it is to contain material that is inconsistent with its ‘identification only” purpose,” said Harold. “The Commission expects that licensees exercise reasonable ‘good faith’ judgment in this area and affords some latitude to the judgments of licensees who do so,” she added.

Fuente: Inside Radio





The Federal Communications Commission today reached settlements with two Boston-area pirate radio operators, Acerome Jean Charles and Gerlens Cesar, following FCC Enforcement Bureau investigations. Through these Consent Decrees, the two operators will pay monetary penalties, admit to violations of section 301 of the Communications Act, agree to 20-year compliance commitments, and agree to dispose of any remaining broadcast equipment in their possession.

Unauthorized radio broadcast stations—also known as pirate radio stations—operate illegally, undermine the Commission’s efforts to manage radio spectrum, and can interfere with licensed communications, including authorized broadcasts and public safety transmissions.

In December, the Commission issued two Notices of Apparent Liability to Acerome Jean Charles and Gerlens Cesar for their apparent unlicensed operations of broadcast radio stations—Radio Concorde and Radio TeleBoston, respectively—in the Boston-area in violation of section 301 of the Communication Act. The Enforcement Bureau negotiated the two Consent Decrees, which provide for a strict compliance plan over a period of 20 years to prevent Jean Charles and Cesar from ever resuming unlicensed broadcasting. Jean Charles has agreed to pay a civil penalty of $4,000, and to pay a further penalty of $75,000 if he violates section 301 of the Act or violates the terms of the Consent Decree; Cesar has agreed to pay a civil penalty of $5,000, and agreed to pay a further penalty of $225,000 if he violates section 301 of the Act or violates the terms of the Consent Decree.

As part of these compliance commitments, both Jean Charles and Cesar have ceased their own pirate radio broadcasting and have agreed not to materially assist anyone else committing such acts. Each has agreed to destroy any broadcast equipment remaining in their possession.

Fuente: FCC




SINCLAIR PAGO multa de 48 millones de dolares y cerro tres investigaciones de la fcc


The Federal Communications Commission today (mayo, 6) announced the largest civil penalty involving a broadcaster in the agency’s 86-year history. Specifically, Sinclair Broadcasting Group has agreed to pay a $48 million civil penalty and abide by a strict compliance plan in order to close three open investigations. This penalty is twice the prior record for a broadcaster, which was the $24 million paid by Univision in 2007.

Specifically, the Consent Decree closes an investigation into the company’s disclosure of information relating to its proposed acquisition of stations owned by Tribune Media. The agreement also closes investigations into whether the company has met its obligations to negotiate retransmission consent agreements in good faith and its failure to identify the sponsor of content it produced and supplied to both Sinclair and non-Sinclair television stations.

“Sinclair’s conduct during its attempt to merge with Tribune was completely unacceptable,” said FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. “Today’s penalty, along with the failure of the Sinclair/Tribune transaction, should serve as a cautionary tale to other licensees seeking Commission approval of a transaction in the future. On the other hand, I disagree with those who, for transparently political reasons, demand that we revoke Sinclair’s licenses. While they don’t like what they perceive to be the broadcaster’s viewpoints, the First Amendment still applies around here.”

In December 2017, the Commission voted to propose a fine of over $13 million for failing to make the required disclosures for the paid programming, the largest fine it has ever proposed for a violation of sponsorship identification rules. The programming in question was broadcast more than 1,700 times, either as stories resembling independently generated news coverage that aired during the local news or as longer-form stories aired as 30-minute television programs without identifying the true sponsor of the content (the Huntsman Cancer Foundation). In the Consent Decree, Sinclair admits that its actions violated the Commission’s sponsorship identification rules.

Fuente: FCC



fcc hizo cambios en el reglamento de la fm de baja potencia


The low-power community has remained on the sidelines as a series of rule modernization proposals were adopted by the Federal Communications Commission benefitting full-power FMs and AMs. Now it’s LPFM’s turn. The Commission on Thursday adopted a proposal that embraces a series of technical suggestions and revisions to the rule book submitted to the agency in recent years. Taken together, the FCC says the technical changes will allow LPFMs to improve reception and increase flexibility in transmitter siting while at the same time maintain the interference protection limits that have allowed the stations to coexist alongside full-power stations.

The most noteworthy shift is a decision to allow LPFMs to use directional antennas. The Media Bureau concluded that with some safeguards, the move would provide “significant flexibility” to operators as they squeeze onto a crowded radio dial. “Such flexibility would most likely be of the most use in situations where an LPFM station can use contour protection, such as to demonstrate that it should receive a waiver of second-adjacent spacing requirements,” the order says.

The FCC will also permit LPFMs to use custom-built antennas designed for specific locations instead of only “off-the-shelf” models with parameters set by manufacturers. It says that might make it easier for stations to relocate in areas with many stations and few transmitter sites. Some advocates have suggested it might also help LPFMs that have become short-spaced with FM translators. It’s an issue that’s become more prevalent as the FCC has increased the number of translators as a way to help AM stations.

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) and the New Jersey Broadcasters Association (NJBA) had both urged the FCC to reject the proposals, but their protests were unsuccessful. The Media Bureau says it didn’t find any compelling reason to restrict the use of directional antennas by LPFMs.

But the FCC rejected the idea that more directional antennas will lead to inference issues, calling those protests “largely unfounded” since LPFM remains a secondary service and the same minimum spacing and maximum power requirements would dictate operations. “We also do not anticipate substantial use of directional antennas because they would not be necessary or cost-effective in the majority of circumstances,” the order says. It also notes that directional signals could permit more LPFMs to be located along the Canadian and Mexican borders.

The FCC also dismissed the NAB’s argument that low-power stations have frequently violated technical rules. The Media Bureau says the LPFM service is now two decades old, and while stations still operate with limited budgets, it has observed that more operators are enlisting the service of consulting engineers.

Allow Ownership of FM Booster Stations

The FCC already allows low-power stations to simulcast on up to two FM translators. But the Commission approved changes that will also permit LPFMs to own and operate FM booster stations without first securing a waiver. Advocates say it will help stations where poor reception due to terrain hampers reception.

Critics, including NJBA, said the Commission shouldn’t allow LPFMs to operate a booster unless it also permits Class A FMs to increase their power level from 3,000-watts to 6,000-watts to combat potential interference. Such an argument didn’t get far with the Media Bureau however, which said because boosters would transmit an LPFM within its existing service area there’d be “no impact on reception of other stations.”

The Commission also approved revisions that redefine the types of LPFM facility changes that qualify as “minor” in order to make it easier for stations to relocate their facilities. If approved, the FCC would allow LPFM site changes up to 11.2 kilometers, or up to any greater distance that would result in overlapping 60dBu service contours between the existing and relocated facilities. While LPFM advocates had pushed for more, the proposal drew an objection by NJBA, which expressed concerns such a change might cause interference to full-power stations. But the FCC pushed back against that, saying it sees “no connection” with how it defines a minor change.

Among the other changes the FCC approved is a clarification of the rules that state LPFMs must alert the Commission if they are off-air for more than ten days and request Commission authority to remain off-air more than 30 days. The same rule applies to full-power stations.

The FCC is also approved changes to the rules that govern third-adjacent channel interference. The Media Bureau said it wasn’t aware of any complaints of third-adjacent interference to date, calling the proposal a “small change in wording” rather a significant policy change.

No More Power For LPFMs

For the past five years low-power advocates, including REC Networks, Prometheus Radio Project and Common Frequency, have said LPFMs should be allowed to increase their power to up to 250-watts. They argued many LPFMs have a difficult time penetrating structures, in part because their antennas often sit on top of low-rise buildings and not large broadcast towers. But the order revealed there are limits to how far the FCC is willing to go.

The agency concludes increasing LPFMs to 250-watts would “complicate” the licensing process, and would be “inconsistent with Congress” and the Commission’s intent when establishing the LPFM service.” Instead, it says that by allowing low-power stations to secure translators, it would achieve the same goal as increased power limits. The NAB has repeatedly opposed the suggestion, arguing it could create more interference.

The FCC has also deferred any decision on whether to eliminate the distance separation rules between LPFMs operating in the reserved band on the left end of the dial. That’s because the Media Bureau is currently considering the question of whether low-power TV stations operating on channel 6 should be allowed to continue functioning as radio stations. The decision on those so-called “Franken FMs” could have implications on the LPFM proposal, it said, tentatively concluding the agency will be in a better position to assess the situation after July 2021 when the television spectrum repack process has been completed.

EAS Requirements Would Remain

Even after low-power proponents withdrew their request that LPFMs be exempted from Emergency Alert System requirements the FCC nevertheless examined the request. And it has concluded that it agrees with the NAB, which has argued that the public should get alerts from whatever station they’re listening to.

The FCC says LPFMs already have fewer EAS requirements than full-service stations and stated that the requirements are not “overly burdensome.” But the Commission also makes one small change that would reduce the number of EAS units required for LPFM stations operating on a time-shared basis as long as they’re under the same roof. The FCC calls that a “reasonable way to promote increased EAS participation by LPFM stations.” It’s similar to the full-power rules that permit co-owned, co-located facilities, such as AM and FM stations licensed to the same entity and at the same location, to monitor using just one EAS decoder.

LPFM Call Letters Stay At Six

The Commission also went along with a Media Bureau recommendation that the current LPFM call letter format – which include “-LP” – be maintained. Some advocates had suggested the –LP suffix be dropped to put low-power stations on a more even playing field with full-power stations. But the FCC says the six-letter call sign is still needed in order for the agency to keep track of which station it’s dealing with. It also helps the public easily determine what they’re listening to. It notes just like commercial stations, low-power operators are able to market themselves through slogans and images that are only loosely associated with their call letters or frequencies.

Pai Thinks LPFMs Are Ready

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (MB Docket Nos. 19-193) was released last July. FCC Chair Ajit Pai has said he believes the segment of the radio industry is ready for some modernization. “This maturation means that LPFM stations should be able to take advantage of additional engineering options to improve reception,” he said in a recent blog post. Pai also acknowledged the programming that several low-power stations are offering listeners in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Commissioner Michael O’Rielly called the changes approved Thursday a “narrow set of improvements” to the FCC’s rules with “safeguards” to ensure certain changes do not harm other FM broadcasters. “I remain sympathetic to the commenters who voiced concern regarding the potential deployment of more directional antennas by LPFM stations and have to trust that proofs of performance will provide adequate insurance against misuse,” he said, adding, “This is an important issue that I intend to watch closely as these rules are implemented.”

The latest data from the FCC shows the number of LPFMs declined by ten during the first quarter. It said there were 2,159 LPFMs licensed as of March 31.

Fuente: Inside Radio








As part of the FCC’s ongoing efforts to increase regulatory flexibility during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Media Bureau today issued a Public Notice that provides a temporary, limited waiver to TV broadcasters to enable them to more easily air live and taped same-day local content, like religious services, during time slots regularly dedicated to children’s programming. This flexibility will allow broadcasters to encourage social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic by airing important community programming that can substitute for live in-person attendance at events, such as Easter religious services or Passover seders.

“Local broadcasters can make a unique contribution to our country in this difficult time,” said Chairman Pai. “On one hand, social distancing is a critical factor in enabling the mitigation of the spread of the coronavirus. On the other, we are in the midst of important holy days for so many Americans. By making it easier for local TV stations to broadcast religious services and rituals to the faithful in their homes, we can enable both social distancing and observance. I thank local broadcasters for working with us on this matter and wish everyone a safe and blessed holiday season.”

In order to promote social distancing, the Bureau’s waiver allows broadcasters to air important local community content in place of weekly, regularly scheduled children’s programming without the requirement that it be rescheduled. The Bureau continues to require that stations inform viewers that children’s programming has been preempted and encourages stations to reschedule any pre-empted children’s programs and provide any rescheduling information that they can to viewers. The limited waiver will remain in effect through April 30.

Chairman Pai has thanked radio and television broadcasters for their tireless efforts during the coronavirus outbreak, including running public service announcements on social distancing, airing educational programming to help with distance learning, expanding COVID-19 reporting, and holding fundraisers to help those who have faced financial hardship due to the virus. He has also asked broadcasters to work with cable and satellite operators to avoid service disruptions during the pandemic.  More information on the Commission’s work during the coronavirus pandemic is available at: https://www.fcc.gov/coronavirus.

Fuente: FCC



la industria de la radio y tv en estados unidos genera 1.17 trillones de dolares de actividad economica


The local commercial broadcast television and radio industry generates $1.17 trillion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 2.47 million jobs through direct and stimulative effect on the American economy, found a new study by Woods & Poole Economics with support from BIA Advisory Services.

The analysis examines local broadcasting’s impact on the economy through direct employment, its ripple effect on other industries and as an advertising medium for messaging consumers. Local radio and television’s influence on the national economy as well as all 50 states and the District of Columbia is broken out in the study.

“America’s local broadcast radio and TV stations play a unique role in every community across the country. They keep citizens informed with local news, viewers entertained with the most-watched programming and families safe with lifeline emergency information,” said NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith. “But broadcasting plays a pivotal economic role as well, creating hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs while helping hometown small businesses reach local consumers through advertising.”

The study found that direct employment from local commercial broadcasting, which includes jobs at local television and radio stations as well as in advertising and programming, is estimated at more than 318,000 jobs, generating more than $53 billion annually in economic impact. Broadcast television accounts for over 188,000 of these jobs, as well as more than $31 billion in GDP, while broadcast radio provides over 130,000 jobs that result in more than $21 billion in GDP.

Of the 318,000 jobs provided through direct employment, about one-third are tied to industries supporting local broadcasting.

“Other industries are impacted by local television and radio broadcasting because they provide goods and services used in creating local television and radio broadcasting and advertising,” said the study. “Industries as varied as telecommunications, public utilities, manufacturing, transportation and retail trade provide inputs into the production of local television and radio broadcasting.”

The study also examined the ripple effect employment in local broadcast television and radio has on local economies through the consumption of goods and services by industry employees. Local broadcasting has a ripple effect on other industries of over $132 billion in GDP and more than 794,000 jobs, the report concluded.

“The income from local television and radio broadcast jobs flows through the economy creating additional jobs and income in various economic sectors,” said the study. “A job in local television and radio broadcast stations multiplies itself by helping create jobs in construction, farming, mining, state and local government and all other economic sectors. The workers in the industries supplying goods and services to local television and radio broadcast workers in turn consume goods and services.”

Local broadcasting's largest impact on the American economy stems from its role as a forum for advertising of goods and services that stimulates economic activity, Woods & Poole found. The study estimated local broadcast TV and radio advertising generated over $988 billion in GDP and supports 1.36 million jobs.

“Local television and radio advertising serves an important role for both consumers and businesses in providing economic information on product prices and features,” said the study. “Reaching all United States households, local broadcast television and radio stations provide consumers with highly valued marketplace information and businesses with immediate economic and competitive intelligence. In this way, broadcast television and radio stations have their most significant impact on economic growth.”

Woods & Poole analyzed only local commercial broadcast radio and television stations including locally owned and operated commercial stations, network affiliate stations and independent stations. Noncommercial radio and TV stations and the operations of over-the-air broadcast networks were not part of the analysis, except for networks' owned-and-operated local television stations. The study was commissioned by the National Association of Broadcasters.

Fuente: NAB




fcc propone una multa de 272 mil dolares a cbs por haber emitido un falso tono de alerta


Esta semana nos ha sorprendido la multa que recibirá Young Sheldon, por no acatar las normas de los Estados Unidos. Aunque la serie va a estrenar su tercera temporada, la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones descubrió un sonido prohibido en el capítulo 18 de la primera temporada.

La multa se realiza por usar un sonido igual al que utiliza el sistema de alerta de emergencia de Estados Unidos. De este modo, el ente regulador ha sancionado a la serie por un valor de 272 mil dólares como multa.

El comunicado realizado por la comisión dice lo siguiente:

El uso no autorizado de los tonos del sistema de emergencia socava el propio sistema y presenta una amenaza sustancial para la seguridad pública.
La política subyacente no se limita solo a la posible confusión del oyente en el momento de la transmisión inadecuada de los tonos de emergencia; la Comisión también advierte de que el uso de tonos simulados con propósitos no autorizados -con fines comerciales o de entretenimiento- puede conducir a un efecto de 'lobo llorón' o 'fatiga de alerta.

Ahora la CBS, propietaria de la serie, deberá responder a las acusaciones y presentar su defensa frente a lo que ha sucedido en uno de sus capítulos. En el pasado The Walking Dead fue multada por 100 mil dólares al hacer lo mismo, pero recientemente el programa de Jimmy Kimmel debió pagar casi 400 mil dólares por hacer uso inadecuado de estos sonidos.

Al parecer, el uso de estos sonidos representa una amenaza para la seguridad nacional, por lo que pueden poner en riesgo o confundir a los habitantes. Aunque los usuarios en las redes sociales han asegurado que multar series por este tema es exagerado, la comisión tiene otro modo de pensar en cuanto a hacer cumplir la ley.

Fuente: Wemediums


fusion entre viacom y cbs


La nueva compañía se llamará ViacomCBS. Los accionistas de CBS poseerán el 61% del capital. La fusión combinará la red de TV CBS, CBS News, las redes de cable Showtime con MTV Networks, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central y los estudios de cine Paramount.

CBS Corp y Viacom Inc llegaron a un acuerdo que reúne el imperio de entretenimiento estadounidense del magnate de los medios Sumner Redstone, con la apuesta de tener una compañía más grande que podrá competir y asociarse mejor en una sector dominado por gigantes.

La nueva compañía se llamará ViacomCBS Inc, pese a que los accionistas de CBS poseerán el 61% del capital y los de Viacom, el 39%.

La fusión combinará la red de televisión CBS, CBS News, las redes de cable Showtime con MTV Networks, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central y los estudios de cine Paramount. La unión tendrá derechos sobre más de 140.000 episodios de TV y 3.600 películas. Anualmente, se estima que genera unos 28.000 millones de dólares en ingresos.

La empresa tendrá un valor de mercado de unos 30.000 millones de dólares, que es pequeño en comparación con rivales como Netflix Inc, Walt Disney Co o Comcast Corp .

Las empresas que se fusionan están controladas por National Amusements Inc, el holding de propiedad del multimillonario Sumner Redstone y su hija, Shari.

"Mi padre dijo una vez: 'El contenido es el rey'. Nunca ha sido tan cierto como hoy", dijo Shari Redstone en un comunicado.

El tercer intento de fusión desde 2016 es una victoria decisiva para Shari Redstone, cuyo padre creó las compañías a través de una serie de fusiones y luego las separó hace 13 años.

Las acciones de Viacom subieron un 2,4% a 29,21 dólares y las de CBS, un 1,4% a 48,70 dólares, después de que se anunció la fusión.

Fuente: Totalmedios




The U.S. Attorney’s Office has reached a settlement with Vasco Oburoni and Christian Praise International Church regarding a radio station in Worcester that has been operating without a license from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

According to a consent decree filed today and subject to Court approval, Vasco Oburoni and Christian Praise International Church agree not to operate an unlicensed radio station in violation of the Communications Act of 1934. They also agree to surrender all of their broadcasting equipment. In the event the FCC reasonably suspects that they have violated the Act, the FCC may inspect the premises and seize any broadcasting equipment. Finally, if the FCC determines that the defendants have operated an unlicensed broadcasting station in violation of the settlement, the defendants must pay a $75,000 fine.

According to the signed consent decree, Vasco Oburoni and Christian Praise International Church admitted that they operated a radio broadcast station in Worcester, on frequency 97.1 MHz, without a license from the FCC, and previously operated an unlicensed radio station on frequency 102.3 MHz. The FCC issued multiple warnings to the illegal operators and issued a forfeiture order in the amount of $15,000 against Oburoni for repeated violation of the Communications Act of 1934. Oburoni agreed to a payment plan, but later began broadcasting again without a license on a different frequency. The FCC received complaints, including from a licensed broadcaster, that the unlicensed station is interfering with radio signals.

The Communications Act of 1934 prohibits the operation of radio broadcasting equipment above certain low-intensity thresholds without a license issued by the FCC. The Act authorizes the Department of Justice, at the request of the FCC, to seek an injunction ordering compliance with the Communications Act against operators broadcasting without an FCC license. The number of available radio frequencies is limited, and unlicensed broadcasting can interfere with the broadcasting of legitimate licensed radio stations, potentially causing chaos in the radio spectrum.

United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling and Rosemary Harold, Chief of the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau made the announcement today. Assistant U.S. Attorney Carol E. Head of Lelling’s Asset Recovery Unit is handling the matter.

Fuente: FCC





In a move designed to bring more certainty and clarity to the process of resolving translator inference complaints, the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted unanimously in favor of new guidelines on how to process disputes between translators and full-power FMs.

“The interference resolution process can be lengthy, contentious and expensive for all parties concerned,” said Lisa Scanlan, Deputy Chief of the FCC’s Audio Division. “There is a need for more certainty and clarify regarding how we expect stations to report and resolve issues with translator interference.”

One of the most difficult issues for the Audio Division to resolve as it crafted its proposal was how close an interference-causing translator must be to the full-power FM to be considered actionable. Under the new rules, the FCC will use a station’s outer 45dBu contour limit. That includes establishing a minimum number of additional listener complaints that must be included in any waiver seeking to establish a claim of interference outside the complaining station’s 45dBu contour. While the FCC received proposals calling for a 60dBU or 54dBU contour limit instead, it says there is “extensive evidence” from markets nationwide to support the idea that full-service stations have substantial listenership outside the 54dBu contour—and that listenership would be at risk if interference complaints outside this limit were not considered actionable.

The new rules raised some question about how to deal with what are known as “super-maximum” Class B FMs, especially in southern California. LPFM advocates had suggested the FCC stick to those guidelines and that the 45dBu line should be considered the “class maximum” and not what the outer contour is for such super-powered stations. But Bonneville, Educational Media Foundation and iHeartMedia insisted there is significant listening to FMs beyond their 45dBu contours and they should be given broader protections. In its order, Scanlan said the Bureau created a waiver mechanism for stations that “believe interference is impacting a substantial listenership beyond the contour limit.”

Here’s some of what else is changing:

- The order adds more “flexibility” to its rules by allowing FM translator stations to change frequency to any available same-band channel – as a minor change in response to interference issues. It notes channel changes are “a relatively low cost way to resolve interference with little or no reduction in service area.”
- The FCC also established a minimum number of listener complaints ranging from a low of six to a high of 25, proportionate to the population the complaining station serves, that a station would need to submit with any claim of interference.
- Interference complaints often devolve into questions about the veracity of the allegations. In an effort to reduce those fights, the FCC approved guidelines for specific things a listener must say in their complaint. That includes sharing complete contact information; a clear, concise and accurate description of the location where the interference is alleged to occur; a statement that they listen to the station over-the-air at least twice a month to demonstrate the complainant is a regular listener; and a statement that the complainant has no legal, employment, financial or familial affiliation or relationship with the station.
- In a series of steps designed to help resolve disputes, the FCC okayed several moves that translator owners must take to keep their signals on the air. They include working with the listener to help resolve the problem. But the order eliminates the requirement that listener complainants must cooperate with the translator operator. Instead, it would be up to the listener if they wanted to help.
- The Commission also concluded that 90 days “should be sufficient” to resolve most claims of interference. If it goes beyond that, the Media Bureau must offer an explanation as to why.

Commissioner Michael O’Rielly had pushed the FCC to firm up that 90-day remediation deadline process. He said it would bring “an even higher level of predictability to the process.”

The new guidelines largely follow suggestions handed to the agency by the National Association of Broadcasters in 2017. “The FCC deserves credit for endorsing a common-sense compromise for reviewing FM radio listener complaints alleging interference from FM translators,” NAB spokesman Dennis Wharton said. “FM translators have been enormously helpful extending the reach of AM radio stations. We’re pleased the FCC continues to embrace ideas that foster the revitalization of AM radio.”

Are There Too Many Translators?

The problem of translator inference has obviously grown as more have signed on as part of the FCC’s ongoing AM revitalization initiative. In the past two years alone the FCC has issued more than 1,700 construction permits and there are now more than 8,000 authorized translators.

“The economic importance of FM translators to AM broadcasters in particular cannot be overstated,” said Scanlan. “But within this success has been an uptick in interference complaints from primary FM stations due to the increasing number of translators on the air.”

The AM effort has been one of the showpiece initiatives of Chairman Ajit Pai. He rejects the idea that a need to address translator interference suggests too many now crowd the radio dial. “We can have the best of both worlds,” he told reporters. “We can encourage continued service of thriving FM stations and we can make sure translators who got on the air are able to provide a valuable service through our AM radio revitalization initiative.”

Pai said the new rules should mean both fewer complaints while also creating a way to more quickly deal with the ones the FCC does receive. “To me at least, that is a win for the translator community as well as incumbent FM stations,” he said.

Fuente: Inside Radio




The FCC has sent the signal that allowing the so-called white spaces between TV channels to be used for fixed and mobile wireless devices are ready for prime time.

That came in a report and order adopted Wednesday, March 20. The FCC also resolved a number of petitions to reconsider (recon) the TV White Spaces Order that initially opened up the spectrum to broadband.

Specifically, the FCC finalized its reconsideration proceeding and its database accuracy proceeding so that broadband providers can invest in rural connectivity.

The FCC is permitting the use of white space devices (notably computers), both fixed and mobile, in unused channels, ch. 37, guard bands between broadcast and wireless spectrum and between uplink and downlink spectrum in the 600 MHz band--which they are sharing after the incentive auction.

It is part of the FCC's focus on freeing up more spectrum for advanced wireless and closing the rural digital divide, which computer companies argue "white spaces" play a key role.

Microsoft, Google and other computer companies on one side and the National Association of Broadcasters on the other have been at loggerheads over the issue. Microsoft has been pushing for as much spectrum as possible, saying that remote sensing technology can seek out and avoid TV channels in real time, preventing the sort of interference NAB said current remote sensing technology has not been proven to provide.

NAB wanted the FCC to vet the sensing technology before opening the floodgates, as it were.

The FCC order does require that white spaces devices include internal geo-location capability, both for outdoor and indoor use, and that the devices automatically provide coordinates to the database that is meant to map out the TV frequencies to avoid.

That is a victory for NAB, which sought the geo-location, and a defeat for Microsoft, which suggested the automatic capability was not necessary. The FCC took a little off it by denying NAB's request that it tighten geo-location accuracy requirements.

“NAB appreciates the FCC’s decision to strengthen its white spaces rules. Requiring automatic geo-location in white spaces devices will help increase accuracy and protect television viewers from harmful interference.”

NAB wanted the FCC to require a wired connection between a remote geo-location source and a fixed white space device, rather than a wireless connection, but the FCC sided with Microsoft on that point, and also said it would not limit the distance between that remote location and the device, something else NAB wanted.

NAB had asked that the FCC require the devices to identify their height above ground, but the FCC declined to do so.


Fuente: multichannel.com


la multa mas alta para propietarios de estacion de tv sin licencia en kentucky


The Federal Communications Commission today fined the operators of a Kentucky unlicensed low-power television station $144,344. An FCC investigation found that the individuals operating the station, Vearl Pennington and Michael Williamson, continued to operate years after the FCC license for their station was cancelled after they failed to file a valid renewal application.

In 1990, Mr. Pennington was granted an FCC license to operate low-power television station W10BM in Morehead, Kentucky. Mr. Pennington renewed the station’s license in 1993 but failed to do so again in 1998. In 2004, the FCC’s Media Bureau wrote to Mr. Pennington to inquire if he had submitted a renewal request in 1998. Receiving no response, the Media Bureau canceled the station’s license in 2004. Mr. Pennington, joined by Mr. Williamson, continued to operate the station despite their lack of an FCC-issued license. After learning of the continued, unlicensed operation of the station, the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau field agents personally warned Messrs. Pennington and Williamson that their unlicensed broadcasts violated FCC rules and the Communications Act. Despite the warning, the duo continued to operate the station. In May 2017, the Commission adopted a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture proposing a fine of $144,344.






The Federal Communications Commission today (tuesday 2) took a historic and long overdue step to increase ownership diversity in the broadcast industry. Specifically, the Commission adopted requirements that will govern an incubator program to assist new, small, or struggling voices, including women and minorities, in overcoming the key barriers to entry into the broadcast sector.

For many years, both the civil rights community and broadcasting industry have called for the establishment of an incubator program. Today’s Order, at long last, answers that call. Under the program, an established broadcaster will provide financial and operational support, including training and mentoring, to a new or small broadcaster. At the end of a successful incubation relationship, the new or small broadcaster will either own and operate a new station independently, or the previously struggling broadcaster’s station will be on a firmer footing. Once an incubation relationship is completed successfully, the established broadcaster will be eligible to receive a waiver of the Commission’s Local Radio Ownership Rule, subject to certain requirements.

The incubator program initially will apply to full-service AM and FM broadcast radio stations as the costs of obtaining and operating radio stations make the radio sector a significantly more accessible entry point than television for entities with limited capital resources and operational experience.

The incubator program addresses the need for more innovative approaches to provide access to capital, as well as technical, operational, and management training, to new entrants and small broadcasters that otherwise would not be able to own a full-service broadcast radio station, acquire an additional station, or remain in the broadcasting business.

The Commission appreciates the input of all stakeholders that participated in this proceeding, especially its Advisory Committee on Diversity and Digital Empowerment.




Un juez federal falló el martes que AT&T puede avanzar con su adquisición de Time Warner por 85.000 millones de dólares.

El juez Richard Leon del Tribunal de Distrito de EE.UU. para el Distrito de Columbia dijo en una audiencia que descubrió, luego de un juicio de seis semanas, que el acuerdo no viola la ley antimonopolio y puede continuar.

Leon desalentó al gobierno de pedirle que pusiera su propio fallo en espera de apelación, y dijo que si se le pregunta negaría una suspensión. "Espero que el gobierno tenga la sabiduría y el coraje" para no buscar una apelación, dijo.

El Departamento de Justicia, que presentó una demanda para bloquear la compra, tiene la opción de apelar la decisión. De acuerdo con una orden de programación, AT&T acordó no completar la adquisición durante seis días para dar tiempo a una apelación.

Makan Delrahim, el principal funcionario antimonopolio del Departamento de Justicia, dijo que el gobierno estaba decepcionado con el fallo y que "consideraría los próximos pasos".

"Seguimos creyendo que el mercado de televisión de pago será menos competitivo y menos innovador como resultado de la fusión propuesta entre AT&T y Time Warner", dijo en un comunicado.

El fallo del juez probablemente será visto por los gigantes tecnológicos y de telecomunicaciones como una luz verde para perseguir una serie de importantes adquisiciones de medios.

CNN es propiedad de Time Warner.

Fuente: CNN




Taking action against a pirate radio operator, Federal Communications Commission agents, in coordination with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York and the U.S. Marshals Service, seized radio transmission equipment from an unauthorized radio station on April 10, which was operating illegally in Manhattan.

The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau has been leading an effort to crack down on this illegal activity, resulting in unlawful broadcasts going off the air, seizure of equipment, fines
against pirates, proposed fines against pirates and property owners actively aiding pirate radio operations, and numerous other enforcement actions.

“Pirate radio stations are illegal, as they operate without an FCC license, and cause real harm. These stations can cause interference to legitimate, licensed broadcasters and can prevent those broadcasters from delivering critical public-safety information to listeners,” said Rosemary Harold, Chief of the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau.

“We are pursuing multiple legal routes to stop pirate broadcasters and this seizure action in Manhattan is one of them. We thank our partners in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York and the U.S. Marshals Service, and we’re particularly thankful for the great work of FCC field agents in combatting this problem.”

“Rumba FM,” which broadcast on 95.3 FM from a high-rise apartment building in Manhattan, was operating without an FCC license, as required by law. The FCC issued multiple warnings to the illegal operators but the radio station continued to broadcast.

Pursuant to a federal court order, authorities seized equipment operated by the illegal radio station at that station’s antenna location on St. Nicholas Avenue in Manhattan.

The Communications Act of 1934 prohibits the operation of radio broadcasting equipment above certain low-intensity thresholds without a license issued by the FCC. The Act authorizes the seizure and forfeiture of any electronic or radio frequency equipment used to broadcast without an FCC license. The number of available radio frequencies is limited, and unlicensed broadcasting can interfere with the broadcasting of legitimate licensed radio stations, potentially causing chaos in the radio spectrum.

In an action to seize a pirate radio station’s equipment, the FCC performs the initial investigation. Once the FCC has built a case against the station, the matter is referred to the relevant U.S. Attorney’s Office, which is then responsible for filing the case and obtaining a warrant to seize the illegal radio equipment from the court. The U.S. Marshals Service is responsible for executing the warrant and seizing the pirate radio station equipment, with FCC personnel provide technical assistance during the seizure.

Fuente: FCC







A TV tower in Missouri collapsed Thursday, killing one person and injuring several others, authorities say.

The tower near Fordland in Webster County was used to broadcast KOZK Ozarks Public Television, according to a spokeswoman for Missouri State University, which owns the tower.

Rob Talburt, assistant chief for the Logan-Rogersville Fire Protection District, said 50 to 60 emergency workers from multiple agencies responded to the tower collapse.

Talburt said that just before 10 a.m., six workers were performing routine maintenance on the 1,980-foot-tall tower when it went down.

The workers were about 105 feet high at the time of the collapse, Talburt said.

One worker was trapped and killed, Talburt said, and the five other workers suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

"It's very lucky that we didn't have more fatalities out here," Talburt said.

Andrea Mostyn, spokeswoman for Missouri State University, said the university contracted with a company to perform work on the tower. She said she was not sure how long the crew had been working on the tower.

MSU spokeswoman Suzanne Shaw said the workers were installing structural support to accommodate new equipment associated with a channel change.

MSU issued a statement, calling the tower's collapse and the ensuing death a "tragedy."

“We are shocked and saddened by the news,” Shaw said in the statement. “Our condolences go out to the victims and their families. We are also providing support and resources to the other team members affected.”

Webster County Sheriff Roye Cole said the workers were replacing crossbeams on the tower.

John Myers, a structural engineering professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology, said it's extremely rare for any type of structure like a TV tower to collapse without some type of major event, like a hurricane or tornado.

Fuente: USA Today





The American Cable Association believes the Federal Communications Commission should not permit greater TV station consolidation before conferring with its newly created Office of Economics and Analytics to examine the costs and benefits of such consolidation, including the extent to which such action would increase cable bills.

“ACA has repeatedly observed that broadcast consolidation increases a broadcaster’s leverage in retransmission consent negotiations, leading to higher rates paid by pay-TV subscribers and other harms to the public. Both economic theory and the best empirical evidence available to the FCC suggest that increasing the national cap beyond its current level will harm pay-TV subscribers,” ACA President and CEO Matthew M. Polka said.

ACA set forth its views in a filing Monday in connection with the FCC’s review of whether to allow a single entity to own enough TV stations sufficient to reach more than 39% of TV households nationally. By relaxing the rule, the FCC would allow TV stations to gain even more bargaining leverage than they already possess. This would allow them to impose more harmful signal blackouts on cable operators and demand excessive increases in retransmission consent fees, which inevitably find their way into consumers’ monthly bills.

The FCC and the Department of Justice already know that ownership or effective control of multiple stations within the same market results in these harms. The best evidence suggests that similar harms would occur if a single entity can own stations beyond the existing 39% cap. In particular, two econometric studies submitted by DISH in connection with the Sinclair-Tribune merger proceeding confirmed that TV stations that reach the most pay-TV subscribers command the highest retransmission consent fees.

ACA urged the FCC to consult with the new Office of Economics and Analytics and seek an econometric analysis based at least in part on DISH’s Sinclair-Tribune merger analyses. It argued that such an analysis is necessary for the FCC to understand the benefits and harms of relaxing the cap.

Moreover, broadcasters seeking to relax the national cap possess the data necessary for such an analysis and the FCC should require them to produce it.

The data necessary to conduct such analyses (meaning retransmission consent agreements) are held by both broadcasters and MVPDs. Historically, broadcasters have gone to great lengths to keep this data secret. Yet the responsibility for providing this data to the Economics Office should fall upon broadcasters, in all fairness, subject to appropriate confidentiality protections.

“If broadcasters seek to change the FCC’s rules to their benefit, they should provide the data to support their request,” Polka said.

Fuente: ACA

trump lanza plan para mejorar la banda ancha


Statement of NCTA – The Internet & Television Association Regarding the White House Legislative Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America

“As the nation’s leading broadband industry, we applaud the Administration’s proposal to invest in new infrastructure – including the potential to expand broadband to unserved homes in rural communities – that can support a growing economy and provide new opportunities for all Americans. Unlike our congested roads, crumbling bridges and failing power grid, our nation’s broadband infrastructure is an American success story which powers an internet economy that is second to none. American consumers have witnessed enormous advances in the speed and reach of wired and wireless internet networks, driven by $1.5 trillion in private investment over the last 20 years. Today, 85 percent of U.S. homes can have access to internet speeds of 300 Mbps or faster, including gigabit offerings in hundreds of urban and rural communities.

“Despite this remarkable progress, there are still some parts of the country – most often in less dense, geographically remote areas – where market forces alone haven’t been able to connect all homes. That is why we welcome the Administration’s efforts to reduce barriers to investment in rural America and stand ready to work with Congress and federal agencies on ways to induce more rural investment and promote greater efficiency and accountability in government broadband programs. Most importantly, any funding should be dedicated to connecting those homes without any access to broadband. It should be a national imperative to connect the unserved so that all Americans can enjoy the benefits of this technology.

“In NCTA’s Blueprint for Internet Infrastructure Success, we offer some specific guideposts for how policymakers can strive for thoughtful and effective broadband policies.”

ACA Applauds White House Broadband Infrastructure Plan

American Cable Association President and CEO Matthew M. Polka issued the following statement regarding President Donald J. Trump’s infrastructure plan and what it will mean for accelerating broadband deployment in rural areas of the country:

“ACA applauds President Donald J. Trump for proposing an infrastructure plan that includes spending $50 billion to enhance infrastructure, including broadband, in rural areas. Ensuring all Americans have access to high-performance broadband is important and requires government engagement at many levels. For instance, the enactment of the recent tax law and the existing programs run by the FCC help. And, it is essential that government focus on removing the many barriers that discourage private investment in broadband.

“But, even with these efforts, some areas will remain unserved, and the only way to deliver broadband to them is with the assistance of direct government subsidies. We are pleased that the President’s plan recognizes this fact and sets aside money that can be used by the states for this purpose. ACA’s broadband provider members operate in rural areas throughout the country, and they look forward to working with the Trump Administration, Congress, and the states to ensure that all households, regardless of location, have access to high performance broadband service.”

About the American Cable Association: Based in Pittsburgh, the American Cable Association is a trade organization representing nearly 750 smaller and medium-sized, independent cable companies who provide broadband services for nearly 7 million cable subscribers primarily located in rural and smaller suburban markets across America. Through active participation in the regulatory and legislative process in Washington, D.C., ACA members work together to advance the interests of their customers and ensure the future competitiveness and viability of their business.




Statement of Michael Powell, President & CEO, NCTA – The Internet & Television Association Regarding the FCC’s Action to Restore Light-Touch Regulation to the Internet

“Today’s FCC action rightly restores the light-touch approach to government regulation of the internet that has fostered the development of a vibrant, open and innovative platform. For decades, America’s internet service providers have delivered an open internet – allowing consumers to enjoy the lawful internet content and applications of their choosing. Nothing in this decision alters that commitment – ISPs have stated repeatedly that they do not and will not block, throttle or unfairly discriminate in how internet traffic is delivered.

“We cannot reach for the future with regulation from the distant past. Title II and its accompanying regulatory uncertainty deters the innovation and investment needed to build the next generation of broadband and bring its benefits to all Americans. We fully support Chairman Pai and the Commission’s action today. However, we continue to believe that legislation which protects the open internet, while preserving incentives for an ever-improving network is essential. We urge Congress to craft legislation that settles this decade-long debate and permanently enshrines open internet protections into law while ushering in a new era of connectivity for American consumers.”

ACA Hails FCC Vote To Restore Internet Freedom

American Cable Association President and CEO Matthew M. Polka issued the following statement regarding the Federal Communications Commission’s adoption of the Restoring Internet Freedom order:

“Smaller ISPs have always stood by their customers and provided them with unfettered access to lawful Internet content. Yet, for the past two years they have been subject to unwarranted and burdensome FCC utility-style regulations, which have made them reluctant to invest in their broadband networks and to develop and offer innovative services. Under the regulatory regime adopted by the previous FCC, no one came out a winner – not smaller ISPs, not their customers, not upstream edge providers. The order adopted by the FCC today ends this ‘unvirtuous’ cycle. Customers of smaller ISPs will not only continue to have an open Internet, but also they will have greatly enhanced access as ISPs upgrade their networks and roll out new services. ACA applauds the FCC for restoring a regulatory regime that truly serves the public interest.”



La Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) aprobó este jueves una nueva norma sobre el servicio de internet que acaba con la “neutralidad de la red” que garantizaba una norma de 2015.

La mayoría republicana en la institución regulador votó este jueves a favor de la nueva regla que deroga el principio de “neutralidad de la red”, que salvaguardaba internet como un servicio público de libre e igual acceso.

¿Qué es ‘net neutrality’?

La Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) anunció planes de desmantelar las regulaciones impuestas por el gobierno de Barack Obama para asegurar el acceso igualitario a la Internet, lo que permitirá a compañías cobrar más a los usuarios o bloquear acceso a ciertas páginas web.

Dirigida por Ajit Pai, la Comisión tomó la decisión por tres votos a favor y dos en contra -los demócratas- de poner fin a la regulación que impulsó en 2014 el entonces presidente, Barack Obama, y que luego se aprobó en 2015.

En la práctica, la norma de 2015 impedía que las proveedoras de internet pudieran bloquear o ralentizar el tráfico en los portales que decidieran.

Este principio, que buscaba garantizar el libre acceso en igualdad de condiciones al servicio de la red, fue hoy eliminado entre múltiples protestas por parte de demócratas, asociaciones de consumidores y algunas voces entre las filas republicanas.

En el momento en el que la regulación comience a aplicarse, las compañías proveedoras de internet podrán decidir qué portales bloquear o ralentizar, incluidos los de medios de comunicación o difusión de vídeo, y solo estarán supeditadas a hacerlo público.

Los comisionados republicanos, incluido Pai, argumentaron que la decisión supone acabar con una regla que trataba con “mano dura” a la industria de proveedores de internet ante “hipotéticos daños”.

Por su parte, las dos comisionadas demócratas expusieron las consecuencias negativas que podría tener la supresión de la “neutralidad en la red” en consumidores y pequeñas empresas proveedoras de contenido.

Las responsables de la oposición incidieron en la necesidad de retrasar el voto hasta que se investigue el masivo registro de comentarios a la propuesta de la Comisión, 22 millones en total, de los que al menos dos millones habrían sido realizados desde perfiles falsos, según denunció el fiscal general de Nueva York, Eric Schneiderman.

El voto tuvo que ser suspendido durante unos minutos por “motivos de seguridad” y, paralelamente, se registraron manifestaciones contra la decisión en el exterior de la sede del regulador en Washington.

Fuente: El Nuevo Herald




The Federal Communications Commission today (16) voted to modernize its broadcast ownership rules and to help promote ownership diversity in the broadcast industry.

These actions will provide broadcasters and local newspapers with a greater opportunity to compete in the digital age and will help ensure a diversity of viewpoints in local markets.

Congress requires the Commission to review its broadcast ownership rules every four years to determine if they are in the public interest as the result of competition and if not, to repeal or modify them.

For too long, the Commission has failed to acknowledge the pace of change in the media marketplace by maintaining analog broadcast ownership rules that do not reflect today’s digital age.

For instance, the Newspaper/Broadcast Cross-Ownership Rule that the Commission eliminates today dates back to 1975.

By modernizing these outdated rules, broadcast stations and local newspapers will be able to more easily invest in local news and content and improve service to their local communities for the benefit of consumers.

Today’s Order on Reconsideration addresses several petitions for reconsideration of the Commission’s August 2016 Order in the 2010/2014 Quadrennial Regulatory Review that left the outdated broadcast ownership rules largely unchanged. Specifically, today the Commission
eliminates the Newspaper/Broadcast Cross-Ownership Rule, Radio/Television Cross-Ownership Rule, and Television Joint Sales Agreement Attribution Rule.

The Order also modifies the Local Television Ownership Rule to better reflect competitive conditions in local markets by eliminating the Eight-Voices Test, which requires at least eight independently owned television stations to remain in a market before any entity may own two television stations in that market. The Order also permits exceptions to the prohibition on an entity owning two of the top four stations in a market if it can be shown that a particular transaction would be in the public interest. The Order does not address the issue of the national ownership cap and the associated UHF discount which are not part of the Quadrennial Review, and which will be considered in a separate proceeding later this year.

Lastly, in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the Commission decides to establish, and seeks comment on how to implement and structure, a new incubator program in which established broadcasters would help facilitate entry by new voices into the marketplace by providing access to capital and/or technical expertise to new entrants and small businesses. The program has broad support and will help promote ownership diversity in the broadcast industry.

Fuente: FCC




La operación anunciada hace un año por AT&T para adquirir el conglomerado de medios Time Warner está en peligro. El Departamento de Justicia cumple su amenaza y procede a bloquear la transacción, valorada en 85.000 millones de dólares (108.000 millones incluyendo la deuda), al considerar que la integración de estos dos gigantes vulnera la competencia al concentrar el poder. Ahora se inicia un duro litigio en los tribunales que puede durar varios meses.

AT&T y Time Warner decidieron sumar fuerzas para integrar en una misma compañía la creación de contenido audiovisual y su distribución. Buscaban así adaptarse a las nuevas formas de consumir series y películas, en respuesta a la emergencia de nuevas plataformas como Netflix y Amazon. Además, la unión les hace un actor más fuerte en el mercado de la publicidad, que está orbitando hacia Google y Facebook.

El acuerdo se anunció unas semanas antes de que Donald Trump ganara las elecciones. El lenguaje que utiliza ahora la dirección de AT&T en respuesta a la demanda es muy duro. Califica la decisión de “radical” e "inexplicable”, al considerar que el Departamento de Justicia se distancia de la práctica seguida por los reguladores a la hora de examinar las integraciones verticales de empresas.

AT&T esperaba, de hecho, haber recibido la autorización sin mayores problemas, como hizo Comcast con la compra de NBC Universal. Pero el presidente Trump amenazó durante la campaña electoral con vetar la operación si llegaba a la Casa Blanca. Time Warner controla la cadena todo noticias CNN, de las más críticas con su política, la HBO y TNT. AT&T, por su parte, es dueña del operador de televisión vía satélite DirectTV.

“Estamos listos para litigarla”, advirtió Randall Stephenson, consejero delegado de AT&T. La acción plantea riesgos legales, pero también políticos. Varios legisladores demócratas mostraron durante los últimos días su preocupación por la eventual acción de Justicia. Los críticos con la operación ya advirtieron, en cualquier caso, que si era aprobada, podía usar su poder para elevar precios.

Litigio en los tribunales

Las compañías argumentan para defender la fusión que no son competidores. El Departamento de Justicia justifica el bloqueo diciendo que la combinación de ambas mermará la innovación y la competencia, lo que afectará al consumidor. También a los creadores, que deberán pagar más dinero para distribuir su contenido. Por eso considera "ilegal" esta concentración de poder.

“Afortunadamente, del Departamento de Justifica no tiene la última palabra”, afirma David McAtee, consejero legal de AT&T, “estamos convencidos de se rechazarán los argumentos del gobierno y la fusión seguirá adelante”. Los expertos en este tipo de operaciones anticipan varios meses de enfrentamiento. Pero si la batalla legal se prolonga, las partes podrían optar por abandonarla.

El bloqueo, en realidad, no es una sorpresa. AT&T se había puesto de plazo completar la fusión para marzo del próximo año. Ahora se dispone a defender los méritos de la integración ante los tribunales. La solución del litigio será determinante para el resto de la industria. Disney, Comcast y Verizon se están interesando por los activos de entretenimiento de Twenty-First Century Fox.

Stephenson dejó claro en su contraofensiva que no va a llegar a un "acuerdo cualquiera" con el gobierno para salvar la operación. Los acuerdos que eventualmente pueda pactar para remediar el litigio, reiteró, serán dentro del marco de las reglas de la competencia y teniendo en cuenta como se está trasformando la industria de medio. La opción de vender la CNN, insiste, no está sobre la mesa.

Fuente: El País


el standard next gen tv - atsc 3.0


The Federal Communications Commission today (16) adopted new rules to let television broadcasters use the Next Generation broadcast television transmission standard, also called ATSC 3.0, on a voluntary, market-driven basis.

The Next Generation TV standard will let broadcasters provide consumers with more vivid pictures and sound, including Ultra High Definition television and superior reception, mobile viewing capabilities, advanced emergency alerts, better accessibility features, localized content, and interactive educational children’s content.

Today’s action adopts rules that will allow broadcasters the flexibility to deploy Next Generation TV service while minimizing the impact on consumers and industry stakeholders. The upgraded technology will merge the capabilities of over-the-air broadcasting with the broadband viewing and information delivery methods of the Internet using the same 6 MHz channels presently allocated for digital television (DTV).

Among other things, the Report & Order:

- Requires broadcasters that use Next Generation TV to partner with another local station in their market to simulcast their programming in the current DTV standard, called ATSC 1.0, so that viewers can continue to receive their existing broadcast service without having to purchase new equipment;

- Subjects Next Gen TV signals to the public interest obligations that currently apply to television broadcasters; and

- Requires broadcasters to provide advance on-air notifications to educate consumers about Next Generation TV service deployment and simulcasting.

Today’s ruling comes after several field tests of the technology were conducted in the Cleveland media market. Last year, the Next Generation TV transmission standard was tested during Major League Baseball’s 2016 World Series.

Fuente: FCC




The Federal Communications Commission today (october, 24) eliminated the broadcast main studio rule. The Order retains the requirement that stations maintain a local or toll-free telephone number to ensure consumers have ready access to their local stations.

The main studio rule, adopted nearly 80 years ago, currently requires each AM radio, FM radio, and television broadcast station to have a main studio located in or near its local community.

The rule was implemented to facilitate input from community members and the station’s participation in community activities.

The Commission recognizes that today the public can access information via broadcasters’ online public file, and stations and community members can interact directly through alterative means such as e-mail, social media, and the telephone.

Given this, the Commission found that requiring broadcasters to maintain a main studio is outdated and unnecessarily burdensome.

Elimination of the main studio rule should produce substantial cost-saving benefits for broadcasters that can be directed toward such things as programming, equipment upgrades, newsgathering, and other services that benefit consumers.

It will also make it easier for broadcasters to prevent stations in small towns from going dark and to launch new stations in rural areas.

Fuente: FCC


In response to the FCC's elimination of the main studio rule, the following statement can be attributed to NAB Executive Vice Presidentof Communications Dennis Wharton:

“NAB supports elimination of the main studio rule, which has outlived its usefulness in an era of mobile news gathering and multiple content delivery platforms. We're confident that cost savings realized from ending the main studio rule will be reinvested by broadcasters in better programming and modernized equipment to better serve our local communities. We applaud the FCC for continuing to remove unnecessary and outdated broadcast regulations.”


fcc aplico la multa mas alta a los propietarios de una radio pirata en florida


The Federal Communications Commission today (September 26, 2017) proposed the maximum fine allowable by statute—$144,344—against a so-called “pirate radio” operation in North Miami, Florida. The action marks the first time the Commission has proposed finding the property owners where the transmission equipment was located apparently liable for the operation of the station. Unlicensed radio broadcasts are illegal and can interfere with licensed broadcasting, including broadcasters’ ability to communicate public safety warnings to their communities.

The Commission’s investigation of this matter first began in 2012 when the Enforcement Bureau’s Miami Field Office received a complaint about a potential unauthorized station broadcasting on 90.1 MHz in the North Miami area. After finding that the station was not authorized, Commission agents repeatedly warned both Fabrice Polynice, a programming provider, and Harold and Veronise Sido, who own the property where the station’s transmission equipment is located, that the unauthorized transmission of a radio broadcast is illegal. These earlier actions resulted in a seizure, pursuant to a Federal court order, of transmission equipment from the Sido residence in 2012 and a Forfeiture Order against Mr. Polynice in 2013.

Despite knowing that these actions were illegal, Mr. Polynice apparently continued to operate the pirate station from the Sido residence.

In fact, the parties even posted video of themselves in their pirate studio to social media. Commission field agents found on a least seven different occasions that the illegal station was still being operated from the Sido residence by Mr. Polynice. The Bureau’s investigation found that while Mr. Polynice apparently provided programming for the station, the Sidos apparently provided material support in the form of free use of their property, including the shed from which Mr. Polynice broadcast, as well as electricity and internet connectivity necessary for operation of the transmitter and antenna.

As a result of this investigation, the Commission today issues a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (NAL) against Mr. Polynice and Mr. and Mrs. Sido. The NAL finds that the actions of all three individuals were continuous and deliberate. Accordingly, the NAL proposes to fine all three individuals jointly and severally for a total of $144,344.

Federal law generally prohibits the operation of a broadcast radio station without a license issued  by the Commission. Congress enacted this requirement as a means of ensuring a fair and equitable distribution by the FCC of scarce spectrum resources to maximize its availability and use among entities, such as TV and radio broadcasters, public safety agencies, and wireless phone and data networks.

The Miami area, along with Boston and New York, have generally proven to
have the greatest concentration of pirate radio activities, as shown by this FCC map:

Mr. Polynice and Mr. and Mrs. Sido will have 30 days to respond.

The Commission will then review the response and any additional evidence, and may then proceed to issue a final forfeiture order.

If finalized, the Commission expects prompt payment of a fine. If such a payment is not
received within 30 days, the matter is referred to the Justice Department for collection.
The Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture is available at: https://go.usa.gov/xRh3p

Fuente: FCC



The Federal Communications Commission today issued a proposed $66,000 fine against FM radio station licensee Kenai Educational Media in Seward, Alaska for numerous apparent violations of FCC rules, including actions that undermine the effectiveness of the Emergency Alert System (EAS).

Broadcasters have very important obligations related to EAS, a critical system for ensuring the public can receive accurate and expedient alerts and warnings during times of local and national emergencies.

Kenai Educational Media, which operates KIBH-FM, was notified on multiple occasions by the FCC that it had programmed its EAS equipment messages for a radio station serving a different geographic area than that served by Kenai, was failing to monitor at least two EAS sources, and did not keep EAS operation information available to staff as required. Broadcasters that are licensed by the FCC have important obligations to their communities to be prepared to participate in the EAS system as needed. Although most licensees take this responsibility seriously and serve their communities as key outlets for emergency warnings and alerts, a broadcaster’s failure to meet these FCC requirements is a serious offense which can pose real dangers for their communities.

In addition to its apparent EAS violations, the broadcaster also apparently violated a number of broadcast station rules, such as maintaining required records. Lastly, the broadcaster also failed to respond to several Commission inquiries.

An agent from the Commission’s Anchorage field office discovered the violations and issued a notice to the Licensee.

Following numerous such notices and no response from the Licensee, the agency is moving forward with issuing today’s proposed fine.

The proposed fine is formally known as a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, and the broadcaster will have 30 days to respond. The Commission will then review the response and any additional evidence, and may then proceed to issue a final forfeiture.

Fuente: FCC



Today (13), the Federal Communications Commission announced the closing of the broadcast incentive auction, which created a first-of-its kind market for repurposing valuable broadcast airwaves for nationwide wireless mobile use. At $19.8 billion in gross revenue for 70MHz of spectrum, the incentive auction is among the highest grossing auctions ever conducted by the FCC. The Commission now commences a 39-month transition period to move broadcast stations to new channel assignments.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said, “The conclusion of the world’s first incentive auction is a major milestone in the FCC’s long history as steward of the nation’s airwaves. Consumers are the real beneficiaries, as broadcasters invest new resources in programming and service, and additional wireless spectrum opens the way to greater competition and innovation in the mobile broadband marketplace.”

Why an Incentive Auction?

Today, there are more connected mobile devices than there are people living in the U.S., and about 70 percent of Americans use data-hungry smartphones. This increasing demand for wireless airwaves poses a major challenge to ensuring that America’s networks have the capacity to support the critical economic, public safety, health care and other activities that rely on them. In order to meet this challenge, the FCC designed the broadcast incentive auction through close bipartisan collaboration with Congress as well as the broadcast and wireless industries.

Authorized by Congress in 2012, the auction used market forces to align the use of broadcast spectrum with 21st century consumer demands for mobile video and broadband services. It preserves a robust broadcast TV industry while providing stations with revenues that they can invest into programming and services for their communities. And by making valuable “low-band” airwaves available for wireless mobile use, the incentive auction benefits consumers by easing congestion on wireless networks, laying the groundwork for “fifth generation” (5G) wireless services and applications, and spurring economic growth. The auction began on March 29, 2016.

Broadcasters: More than $10 Billion in winning bids, minimal impact on viewers

More than $10 billion will go to 175 winning broadcasters that elected to participate in the incentive auction and repurpose their airwaves for mobile use. Of the winners, 30 stations will receive money for agreeing to move to a lower channel and 133 others will relinquish their licenses and indicated their intent to remain on air through channel-sharing agreements with non-winning stations.

The FCC also announced the new channel assignments, and effective dates of those assignments, for 957 non-winning stations that must change channels to clear the new wireless airwaves for use. The first group of stations to move channels is scheduled for November 30, 2018. Stations are required to provide 30 days’ notice, and the FCC provides information for over-the-air viewers on how to “rescan” their receivers to find new channels at www.fcc.gov/incentiveauctions/consumers.

To view the entire list of broadcasters who won at auction nationwide, read the Public Notice here: https://www.fcc.gov/document/incentive-auction-closing-and-channel-reassignment-public-notice
(Appendix A).

Wireless Carriers: Bid $19.8 billion for 70 MHz of spectrum for mobile use

In the forward auction, wireless carriers bid $19.8 billion on mobile broadband spectrum. A total of 50 winning bidders won 70 MHz of licensed spectrum nationwide. A total of 14 MHz of spectrum is available for unlicensed use and wireless microphones. On a nationwide basis, 70 MHz is the most mobile broadband ever auctioned below 1GHz by the FCC. Among the largest winners are T-Mobile, Dish, Comcast, and US Cellular. A full list of winners can be found in Appendix B of the Public Notice:

How the Incentive Auction Worked: First of its kind worldwide

The auction created a first-of-its-kind market for repurposing commercially-held spectrum licenses for new uses. The model is part of the foundation of the future of U.S. spectrum allocation and use policy designed for 21st century realities. The broadcast incentive auction itself was comprised of two separate but interdependent auctions -- a reverse auction, which determined the price at which broadcasters voluntarily relinquish their spectrum usage rights; and a forward auction, which determined the price wireless carriers were willing to pay for flexible use wireless licenses.

The lynchpin joining the reverse and the forward auctions is the “repacking” process. Repacking involves reorganizing and assigning channels to the remaining broadcast television stations in order to create contiguous blocks of cleared spectrum suitable for flexible use.

Fuente: FCC

fcc amplia la posibilidad de compartir canal entre estaciones de tv de distintas categorias


La Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones de Estados Unidos (FCC por su sigla en inglés) resolvió el 23 de marzo flexibilizar la política de compartir un mismo canal entre varias estaciones de TV que renuncien al espectro, a través de la multiplexación que permite el estándar digital.

Ahora incluyó en la medida a estaciones de baja potencia (LPTV) y repetidoras o retransmisoras, quienes podrán compartir el canal con estaciones de alta potencia y de Clase A. Todo ello con el objetivo de liberar parte del espectro radioeléctrico que será destinado a la telefonía móvil.

Esta política fue establecida por el Congreso norteamericano en el año 2012 para que estaciones de alta potencia (full power) y de Clase A compartan el mismo canal a cambio de recibir ingresos por la subasta del espectro destinado a a telefonía inalambrica.

En 2015 la FCC incluyó esta posibilidad a estaciones de televisión de baja potencia (LPTV) y repetidoras o retransmisoras.

Pero como ya fue dicho, ahora todas las estaciones LPTV y repetidoras o retransmisoras de TV pueden también compartir un canal con una emisora de alta potencia y de Clase A. Con esta medida la FCC otorga a este tipo de emisoras la posibilidad de seguir emitiendo y también busca reducir los costos de operación de estaciones LPTV y repetidoras o retransmisoras.




estados unidos cambia reglas para revitalizar la am


La Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones amplió el área donde los transmisores en FM pueden retransmitir la programación de estaciones en AM.

Las emisoras de radio AM que quieran mejorar su área de servicio con una señal más clara pueden hacerlo usando la banda de FM. Según informa la FCC en su página web, esto es últil para muchas estaciones de AM obligadas a reducir su potencia en la noche, ya que el retransmisor de FM puede operar a la misma potencia las 24 horas del día.

Con la anterior regla una estación AM podría retransmitir en FM dentro de su contorno de servicio diurno o dentro de un radio de 25 millas de su transmisor, la distancia que sea menor.

La nueva regla permite que el retransmisor en FM se ubique en cualquier lugar dentro del área de servicio diurno de la estación de AM o en cualquier lugar dentro de un radio de 25 millas del transmisor, incluso si el contorno se extiende más lejos de las 25 millas de la planta transmisora.

La anterior regla resultó demasiado restrictiva para algunos radiodifusores AM, especialmente aquellos cuyos transmisores estaban lejos de las comunidades a servir.

La FCC autorizó por primera vez a las estaciones AM a retransmitir en FM en 2009. En 2016 se permitió a más de 1.000 estaciones AM adquirir y reubicar retransmisores en FM.

comcast abandona la fusion con time warner


Comcast concluye que la compra de su rival Time Warner Cable no va a ser posible, por los problemas que plantea la fusión desde el punto de la competencia. “Pensábamos que teníamos buenos argumentos para que saliera adelante, pero hemos visto que no va a suceder”, anunció el consejero delegado del mayor operador de cable de Estados Unidos, Brian Roberts.

Se abandona así una operación que estaba valorada en 45.200 millones de dólares y que podría invitar ahora a la dueña del grupo de medios NBC Universal a buscar nuevas oportunidades de inversión, incluso fuera de EE UU. La retirada en banda de Comcast afecta también a Charter Communications, que iba a hacerse con los activos que soltaran en el proceso de integración.

El Departamento de Justicia y el regulador del sector de las comunicaciones en EE UU no llegaron a bloquear oficialmente la operación, pero en las últimas semanas sus abogados plantearon serios problemas que acabaron por matarla. “El abandono de la fusión es el mejor desenlace para el consumidor”, señalan los responsables de las dos agencias en un comunicado.

Comcast hizo su oferta en febrero del año pasado, tras ocho meses de puja de Charter por Time Warner Cable. La compañía combinada iba a tener 33 millones de abonados. El operador de cable neoyorquino necesitaba esta unión para poder hacer frente a la competencia de nuevos rivales en la distribución de contenido audiovisual, como Netflix, Facebook o Google.

Roberts evitó especular sobre la lógica seguida por la Administración de Barack Obama para oponerse a la operación. "Tenemos que mirar hacia delante, no hacia atrás", señaló. Es conocido, sin embargo, que Washington se opone a operaciones de gran tamaño. El abandono, además, se produce después de que se presentaran las nuevas reglas sobre el acceso a Internet.

Riesgo inaceptable

Tom Wheeler, presidente del regulador de las comunicaciones, confirmó que estaba dispuesto a bloquear la operación porque representaba un "riesgo inaceptable" para la competencia y la innovación. Se refería a las dificultades que este gigante podría haber creado al modelo de negocio de los nuevos proveedores de contenido audiovisual.

El bloqueo podría llevar a Charter Communications a mover ficha de nuevo. Si lograra fusionarse con Time Warner Cable, se convertiría en el segundo operador de cable de EE UU por detrás de Comcast. La otra opción es que la sociedad que perteneció al conglomerado Time Warner hasta 2009 intentará sumar fuerzas con compañías más pequeñas para ser independiente.

Hay otra operación en curso que se sigue muy de cerca en Wall Street. El operador de telefonía AT&T anunció hace un año la compra de la plataforma de televisión digital vía satélite DirectTV para plantar cara precisamente a Comcast. La combinación, sin embargo, debería plantear menos problemas a los reguladores porque su estructura es diferente y AT&T es muy pequeña en el cable.

Fuente: El País

nace un gigante de la tv por cable en estados unidos


Charter Communications acordó ayer comprar a su mayor rival, Time Warner Cable, por 78.7 mil millones de dólares, en un acuerdo que podría transformar a la empresa en uno de los operadores de cable y de banda ancha más grandes de Estados Unidos.

Charter entregará un total de 55 mil millones de dólares en efectivo y en forma de acciones a los inversionistas de Time Warner Cable. Tomando en cuenta la deuda asumida, la operación asciende a 78 mil 700 millones de dólares.

El anuncio representa la más reciente de una serie de adquisiciones en medio de un proceso de consolidación del sector para competir en un mercado acechado por el video en streaming.

La oferta también marca la culminación de Charter y su principal patrocinador, el multimillonario magnate de los medios –de 74 años de edad– John C. Malone, que llevó a la empresa de ser un pequeño operador de TV por cable, nacido en St. Louis en 1993, al segundo del país detrás de Comcast.

Si la operación es aprobada por los organismos antimonopolio de Estados Unidos, la compañía combinada se llamará New Charter y sus servicios se venderán bajo la marca Spectrum.

Charter también confirmó que continuaría con su plan para adquirir Bright House Networks, un competidor más pequeño, por 10.4 mil millones de dólares. Las dos adquisiciones podrían cuadruplicar su base de clientes a cerca de 24 millones, en comparación con Comcast, que tiene 27 millones.

Charter ha buscado por mucho tiempo adquirir Time Warner Cable para ganar cuota de mercado; sin embargo, el año pasado, el plan pareció haberse frustrado cuando Comcast ofreció 45 mil millones de dólares.

Pero la propuesta no prosperó después de que los reguladores y la competencia manifestaron su preocupación de que la unión de ambas firmas podría hacer subir los precios y dar lugar a posibles obstáculos digitales para proveedores de video en línea como Netflix.


Los analistas dijeron que Charter probablemente enfrentará escrutinio antimonopolio, aunque consideraron poco probable que enfrente el mismo nivel de resistencia que Comcast.

Los dos proveedores de cable ofrecen servicios de cable y banda ancha similares en varios estados, incluyendo California, Texas y Virginia.

Para ayudar a financiar el acuerdo, Charter dijo que vendería 5 mil millones de dólares en acciones Liberty Broadband, que es parte del conglomerado de telecomunicaciones propiedad de Malone.

Como parte del acuerdo, Time Warner Cable recibirá una cuota de ruptura de hasta dos millones de dólares si la transacción se deshace, en contraste con lo ocurrido con Comcast, que no le pagó nada cuando retiró su oferta pública de adquisición el mes pasado.

La competencia en el sector se ha intensificado desde que AT&T acordó comprar al operador de televisión por satélite DirecTV el año pasado por 48.5 mil millones de dólares.

Este mes, el gigante de las telecomunicaciones europeo Altice compró una participación de control en Suddenlink, un proveedor de cable regional, y también mantuvo conversaciones en fase inicial con Time Warner Cable más para una adquisición potencial.

New Charter, la potencial empresa, probablemente tendría que invertir fuertemente para mantener el ritmo de Comcast, que está desarrollando su llamado servicio XI que permite a clientes grabar programas y transmitir contenido a sus dispositivos.

Fuente: Dinero en Imágen



Un hombre armado ha matado este miércoles a tiros a una periodista y un cámara de una emisora afiliada a la cadena de televisión CBS - la cadena WDBJ7-, mientras informaban en directo. El suceso se produjo alrededor de las 06.45 hora local (10.45 GMT), cuando los reporteros fallecidos hacían una entrevista en directo en la plaza Bridgewater de la población rural de Moneta (Virginia).


Horas después del crimen, y tras subir las imágenes del ataque a sus redes sociales, el sospechoso fue detenido. Las autoridades encontraron al presentador de televisión Vester Lee Flanagan, de 41 años, -conocido en el mundo periodístico como Bryce Williams- en el interior de su coche, que se encontraba estacionado en un lateral de la carretera en la autopista I-66 a su paso por el condado de Faquier.

El sospechoso presentaba una herida grave de bala que se había producido tras dispararse a sí mismo. Flanagan, conocido como Bryce Williams en los medios, murió a las 13:30 hora local (17:30 GMT) en la clínica a la que fue trasladado por las autoridades.

"Es obvio que este hombre estaba perturbado de alguna manera", ha explicado el sheriff del condado, Bill Overton, en rueda de prensa. "Parece que las cosas estaban fuera de control pero aún tenemos una larga investigación que conducir", ha concluido Overton.

Las víctimas eran la periodista Alison Parker (24 años), natural de Virginia, y el cámara Adam Ward (27 años), que trabajaba para esa emisora desde 2011. Éste era el último día de Parker en la cadena y sus compañeros tenían planeada una fiesta para despedirla.

El tiroteo, divulgado por internet y repetido por las cadenas de televisión de EEUU, se produjo en la zona comercial de Bridwater, en la población rural de Moneta, que fue acordonada por agentes de la Policía de los condados vecinos.

En las imágenes se ve como Parker entrevista a Vicky Gardner, directora ejecutiva de la Cámara Regional de Comercio de Smith Mountain Lake, y, entonces, se escuchan unos disparos, la cámara cae al suelo y sigue la grabación mientras se escuchan gritos, hasta que se interrumpe y la imagen pasa al estudio, donde los informadores no reaccionan en un primer momento.

Gardner también resultó herida durante el tiroteo y fue trasladada al hospital para ser tratada de sus heridas.

Parker, natural de Virginia, tenía 24 años y Ward, que trabajaba para esa emisora desde 2011, tenía 27. Éste era el último día de Parker en la cadena y sus compañeros tenían planeada una fiesta para despedirla.

El lugar del tiroteo, en el suroeste de Virginia y unos 350 kilómetros al sur de Washington, no es una zona con un índice criminal particularmente alto y está a unos 40 kilómetros de la población de Roanoke, donde tiene su sede la WDBJ-TV.

El sospechoso acusó a una cadena de Florida de discriminación por ser negro. Un productor llamó "mono" a Flanagan, según alegó él cuando no le renovaron el contrato, según recoge un artículo de 'Tallahassee Democrat'.

El asesino se confiesa con ABC News

Flanigan envió un extenso documento a la cadena de televisión ABC News antes de cometer el ataque. La cadena ha precisado que se trata de un "extenso documento" de 23 páginas. Según ha informado la cadena de televisión en su página web, "en algún momento entre la noche del martes y esta mañana, ABC News recibió un fax de alguien que decía ser Bryce Williams", el nombre profesional utilizado por Flanigan mientras trabajó en WDBJ7.

Tras cometer el asesinato, en tono a las 10.00 (hora local) el presunto asesinó llamó a la cadena para confesar su crimen. "Mientras estaba al teléfono, dijo que las autoridades 'están detrás de mí' y 'están por todas partes'. Colgó", explica la ABC News en su página web. En el documento, Flanigan explicaba que el crimen estaba motivado por el asesinato racista de la iglesia de Charleston.

El Gobierno de Estados Unidos insistió en la urgencia de que el Congreso actúe con "sentido común" para reducir la violencia armada en el país, tras crimen de este miércoles.

"Hay algunas cosas de sentido común que solo el Congreso puede hacer y que sabemos que tendrían un efecto tangible en la reducción de la violencia armada en el país", dijo el portavoz de la Casa Blanca, Josh Earnest, en su rueda de prensa diaria.

Earnest recordó que el presidente de EEUU, Barack Obama, pide desde hace tiempo al Congreso que tome ese tipo de medidas y "cree que ellos (los legisladores) deberían hacerlo".

Fuente: El Mundo

altice compra la estadounidense cablevision por 15.639 millones de euros


El grupo de telecomunicaciones Altice ha llegado a un acuerdo definitivo para adquirir el operador estadounidense Cablevision por 17.700 millones de dólares (15.639 millones de euros), según informa la empresa en un comunicado.

Altice explica que la compra de Cablevision aumentará su presencia en el mercado estadounidense tras la adquisición de Suddenlink a principios de este año y destaca que el negocio conjunto de ambos operadores equivale al cuatro mayor operador de cable en el país.

Según los términos del acuerdo, la firma luxemburguesa fundada por el multimillonario Patrick Drahi y matriz de la operadora francesa Numericable pagará 34,90 dólares en efectivo por cada acción de Cablevision, cantidad que será financiada tanto con deuda nueva y existente como con efectivo disponible.

Con 3,1 millones de clientes, Cablevision es el operador líder en la zona metropolitana de Nueva York, que supone el mercado de cable más atractivo de Estados Unidosdebido a su densidad de población y a su afluencia.

Altice afirma que el enfoque de Cablevision en los servicios, la innovación y la inversión supone una sólida base para ampliar su liderazgo y su impulsa de crecimiento, y cree que la compañía está preparada para prestar a sus clientes los servicios de nueva generación compitiendo de forma eficaz en el mercado.

Asimismo, destaca que Cablevision se beneficiará de la experiencia operativa internacional, el mayor tamaño y el apoyo de inversión que suponen el modelo de negocio y la estrategia de Altice. Además, añade que Cablevision y Suddenlink operarán con estructuras operativas independientes.

Fuente: ABC



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